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I wake up in the morning with the sun coming in through the small hotel window. I feel Matty's arm around my waist, his fingers gentling rubbing on my lower stomach. Both still naked from the night before, I flip over and simply admire his beauty. 

The sun catches the muscles of his back in the light, creating shading showcasing his buff shoulders. I stroke his back, taking in every crevice. I trace the freckles on his back, the small dots seemingly making the most incredible art on his body. His curls fall over his eyes so perfectly that it makes me catch my breath when I look at him. His hair is a bit longer and curlier than I'm used to, but I love it. Love how it looks, love how it feels when I'm pulling on it. 

His lips are so damn perfect. Plump and pink, I could kiss them all day. I kiss the tip of my finger and gently touch my finger to his lips. His stirs a little and I oull away, resting my head on the pillow as his eyes gently flutter open.  He opens his eyes, meeting mine and it makes my heart stop. I can't believe the effect he has on me, the smallest movement or eye contact can send flutters down my entire body.

"Hi," he rasps out in a deep morning voice. "Hi," I reply back with a smile. He pulls me in and kisses me. "How are you feeling my moon?" Matty asks me. I kiss him again before I respond, "better now, much better now that you're awake." 

His hands run down my back, and grip under my ass. My pulls me tight and rubs his head into my neck, he's saying something to me, but I can't make out quite what he's saying. I kiss him on his head, as he pulls back. "Luna. Luna baby I gotta go, I'm sorry," Matty tells me. I look at him with a confused look, "What? You have to leave?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry love, I gotta head to the venue. We gotta run through a bunch of wack shit before tonight. Trust me I wanna be here with you. I always wanna be here with you," he tells me. He kisses my forehead and starts to get out of bed. "Oh okay, I'll see you there I guess." I tell him, "I had a really great night last night, thank you for that." 

"The best night in a long time," he says while looking at me. He slips back into his pants from last night and heads for the door, without even taking the time to put on a shirt. He grabs the handle and says "goodbye," one last time to me.

He walks out without a second word. 'That was werid right?', I think to myself. Why did he just run out on me? I drag myself out of bed, and take a look at myself in the mirror. Ugh, my makeup is all under my eyes, and my hair is a mess. No wonder he ran out of here, I doubt I'd wanna stay with me either.

I jump in the shower and rinse last night off of me. I feel better once I'm out and clean. I grab my phone, seeing it's already 2 PM. Not only that, but I wake up to hundreds of Twitter and Instagram notifications. Confused, I open up Instagram to see what the hell is going on. I'm shocked when I check my profile and I have almost three thousand new followers. and I'm tagged in just amount the same amount of posts.

Freaking out, I click over to look at my tagged photos, and then I see what the fuss is about. All over the internet are photos of Matty and I from last night at the club, walking into the hotel, and leaving the club. I'm literally shaking all over the internet are these personal photos of Matty and I. How do people know who I am? Where were all these people taking these photos? I had no inkling last night that anyone had seen us or even cared who I was.

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now