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The sun comes in through the curtains of the hotel room window, and I wake up to a soft melody coming from the chaise near the windows. I gently stir, and flip over on my side. I panic when I don't feel Matty next to me, and I sit up confused. There's no way he left again, right? I look around, my vision still blurred from my sleep, and I see him sitting on the floor with his guitar in his lap, and a computer open next to him. 

I watch his fingers as they delicately maneuver through the guitar strings as though it's his second nature. The veins in his hands pop out of his skin as he works his way, crafting a beautiful sound. He sees I'm awake and puts the guitar down, standing up to come over to me. He sits next to me on the bed, "hey Lu, how'd you sleep?" He asks me. 


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"I slept well, but I woke up even better." I say with a smile, "whatcha working on?" I ask. He gives a shy smile, as he turns his head to look out the window, "just had an idea," he says. "Don't get all shy on me now, I wanna hear it," I tell him as I slide myself onto his lap. I lean in and his him under his ear, "I wanna see into that mind baby," I whisper to him.

He turns his head to meet my face, finding my lips and he kisses me gently. "Okay," he says quietly. "But, it's new, so ya know, don't, make fun I'm working it out still." "Of course I won't, I love seeing the art you come up with," I say. Matty still looks a bit nervous so I reach out my pinky, holding it up to his chest. "A pinky promise?" Matty asks. "Yeah, like when we were kids. Promise I won't judge you," I say. He links fingers with mine, kissing me as we hold each other. "You think I don't remember those pink promises we made," he says teasingly.

"Um, also this is just the guitar, but I imagine it a bit more upbeat with drums and stuff, so yeah, but uh here goes," Matty says to me as he reaches over to grab his guitar. He tosses the strap over his shoulder, and get comfortable next to me on the bed. He strums a bit, to familiarize himself with the chords. He begins to sing quietly, closer to a whisper.

I personify the 'adolescent on a phone'
Speaking like I'm bigger than my body
I personify that lack of freedom in your life

And I'm sure she'll be gone in a second
Let me tell you about this girl
I thought she'd rearrange my world
Takes a particular type of girl
To put my heart under arrest

He glances over at my after the first verse, and I have a feeling who this song is about. I give him an encouraging smile, and I see his confidence to build a bit as he really hones in on the emotion behind the lyrics.

So why is this feeling on my chest?
Wide awake before I found you
I can't wait for you, boy
(Wake me from my dream)
What does all our love amount to?
We can't make love when you fly around me, baby
Pipe down you're no lover
It's failing 'cos you want it to
Well I thought it was love
But I guess I must be dreaming

We can't make love when you fly around me, baby
Pipe down you're no lover
It's failing 'cos you want it to
Well I thought it was love
But I guess I must be dreaming

'Bout feeling something instead of you
What did I tell you about this girl?
The 'one to rearrange your world'
You got excited
And now you find out that your 'girl'
Won't even get you undressed

He stops singing and plays out a couple more chords, before coming to a stop. I look at him in awe, "Matty that was amazing. Like genuinely fucking incredible," I tell him. "How do you do that? Just like make art like that, it's truly incredible." He smiles, still acting all shy. "I wish I could get inside your mind. Just for a second. Or even if I could have an ounce of the intellect you have, I'd be satisfied." I say to him.

"You give me too much credit." He says to me, "I just write how I feel. You give me all these thoughts and feelings. Your manifesting all these ideas in my head, I just put them on paper." I stare into his eyes, desperately trying to see the world the way he percieves it. "Matty," I say quietly. "You are the artwork, and I could simply admire you forever."

His face softens, and he seems overcome with emotion. "I love you, Luna. So fuckin' much. You say shit like that and I fall apart. Seriously, every time something rolls off your sweet lips I can't help but come undone."

"I love you too, Matty. So fuckin' much," I say. I lean in and kiss him hard. His tongue meets my lips, and I open my mouth, letting him. He lays me back down on the bed, and kisses up my neck and chest, finally coming back to my lips. He groans, and he pulls his face back a bit, suddenly breaking the kiss. "What's wrong?" I ask him confused. "Nothing," he replies, "Just needed to get another look at that pretty face."

I blush deeply, and grab the neckline of his shirt, yanking him back down to me kissing him all over again. We finally break apart, knowing we soon have to get our day started and wander back into reality. Matty volunteers to run down the street and grab some coffee, so after he leaves I go to take a quick shower. 

I finish up in the shower, and I come back out to see Matty working on his guitar again. Hearing him play is incredible, I'll never get over how cool it is to think that he is making music. Like, he genuinely is creating new art and sound never heard before. His ability to create is beyond hot.

The rest of the morning goes by quick, Matty kisses me and gives a quick goodbye because he has to head back to his room and finish packing up before we are due on the bus. Yep, that's right a tour bus. Starting today we are bypassing the airports and taking our large bus around America for tour. 

Today we head to Philadelphia which will be about a two and a half hour drive, I look forward to meeting some new crew memebers to hang out with on the ride, as the band will ride on one bus and the crew on another. I drain my coffee, and finish packing up before I head down to the lobby to hop onto the bus. I was hoping I would see Matty before we depart, but I don't see him around anywhere. I hand my bag to the bus driver, and he starts to put it in the luggage storage space. 

As I am walking up the stairs on the bus I hear a familiar voice behind me, "what the fuck are you doin?" Matty asks me. I turn around and give him a confused look, "Uhm, getting on the bus. Ya know, we're leaving for Philly?" I say. 

"No, fuck that, you're riding with me Lu. Fuckin' hell you thought you'd run away from me that easily," he says to me with a smirk. He signals with his hand to follow him, and I walk behind him down to the next bus, and climb inside with him, seems I am in for a very interesting ride.

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