forty eight

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2 Years Later...

Luna's POV

Tonight's gig was absolutely incredible, the energy of the crowd was insane, I swear every single person in the arena knew the words to every song. There's no better feeling than that, and I know he'll agree with me. I continue to clap and cheer from the wings of the stage set up as the band is roared on by the crowd to come back out for an encore. The band themselves are waiting in the wings to make their appearance back on stage, but not until they mess with the crowd just a bit more.

I spot him from across the stage waiting in the wings adjusting his in-ears. He catches my eye and I smile and give him a quick wave, not wanting him to miss his queue to head back out. After another minute or two the lights go black as the band returns to their instruments, and he takes up center stage at the mic stand. The bright red lights return to stage illuminating him completely, and he jumps into the song. The energy of the encore is even crazier than the rest of the show, knowing their favorite band might be heading off soon urges the crowd to get excited one last time. It's something I'll never, ever get tired of, this feeling.

Following the conclusion of the last song the band joins together up front, taking a bow and waving out to the crowd, thanking everyone for coming out, and even grabbing a couple bouquets of flowers fans at the barrier brought. Blowing kisses as they walk off for the final time, the lights come up and all the fans begin to file out. Backstage crew comes on stage ready to take down the set and instruments for one last time on the tour. I walk out once a large majority of the has filed out, and sit on the edge of the stage with my feet hanging, just reflecting on the past year of touring.

My life has changed so much in the past two years. I moved out to LA and started a new chapter in my life, working as the Touring and Communications Manager for Zach's label. I hate to brag, but we've had a ridiculous amount of success. What Zack began as a small start up label has quickly evolved into the biggest international indie rock/pop label today. We're up there with Capitol Records, which to me is unbelievable. I absolutely love my job, the places I've gotten to travel to and experience has been something out of my wildest dreams. Last year alone I organized tours for the Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Inhaler, and many others. Last year I was also chosen to put together Coachella and serve as a manager overseeing the lineup and stage scheduling. I had a great experience with that and was so grateful to Zack for helping me get to the position I am now in to have access to opportunities as such. Tonight I wrapped another big tour that had been uber successful as well.

I don't know how long I've sat out here, but it must've been a pretty long time because I look around and the backstage crew has disappeared and all the instruments have been taken to the back to be packed up. I hear the clicking of heeled boots approaching the stage, and I see him walking towards me. "This tour was fucking amazing, Luna. I mean I absolutely cannot thank you enough," he says as he approaches me with his arms open for a hug. "Stop it," I say back, pulling him into me. "I mean if anything I should be thanking you, Landon. You guys are incredible, you have big things coming your way" I tell him.

Landon is the frontman of an up-and-coming alternative rock band, Afternoon Daydreaming, who signed to Ever Tuned about a year and a half ago. They just wrapped their first real tour tonight, a sold-out arena run throughout the United States. They are crazy talented and have already blown up in the US, and are set to head off to play some international festivals this coming summer. I loved working with them, they are a group of young guys all between 20 and 23 years old, and they have such a bright future. I made the difficult decision to take some time off from traveling with them to Europe, and I've decided to stay back in LA for the summer, catch up on some work and enjoy the break. After two years full of traveling I'm feeling ready to take a step back for a couple months. There's some other things I'd like to take care of as well while I have some time to myself.

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