It started at a coffee shop ( Hyunjin )

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Stray kids Hyunjin

When Hyunjin and Y/n first met in was a cold winter day in a coffee shop in Seoul. Y/N was sitting alone, sipping on her coffee and working on her laptop, while Hyunjin was sitting at a nearby table, working on some lyrics for an upcoming song.

As the hours passed by, Hyunjin found himself constantly glancing over at Y/N. He was intrigued by her beauty and the way she seemed to be so focused on her work. Eventually, he mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation with her.

At first, Y/N was hesitant to talk to him, but as they began to talk, she found herself drawn to his charm and his passion for music. They talked for hours, discussing everything from their favorite groups and soloists to their hopes and dreams.

As they said their goodbyes, Hyunjin asked for Y/N's phone number, and she gladly gave it to him. Over the next few months, they texted and talked on the phone every day, getting to know each other even better.

One day, Hyunjin surprised Y/N by showing up at her workplace with a bouquet of flowers. He told her that he had written a song for her and asked her to listen to it. Y/N was amazed by the beauty of the song and touched by the gesture.

From that day on, they spent as much time together as possible, attending concerts, exploring the city, and even collaborating on music projects. They quickly became inseparable, and their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day.

As time went by, Hyunjin and Y/N's relationship became the envy of many fans, who couldn't help but ship them together. But for Hyunjin and Y/N, their love was real and meant to be.
And so, they continued to write music and create memories together, their love story becoming one that many people looked up to and admired.

I'm sorry if short and bad its my first time writing stories like this

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