Ethan Hunt

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"A vacation?" Jack's boss, Chris, asked with a hint of skepticism. "Are you sure?"

"The mental stress has been too great. And suppose I don't take a break. In that case, I'm afraid I'll develop some kind of mental illness," Jack explained, trying to sound as serious as possible.

Chris looked confused. "Mental stress? Are you talking about the incident with those five female colleagues at headquarters? Or that time you used a drug lord's money to stay in the top hotel in Dubai for a month?"

Jack's face turned red with embarrassment. "Um, it's a combination of all those things..."

Chris shook his head helplessly. "Jack, I don't know what you're planning to do next, but please try to restrain yourself. I don't want to see you crossing any lines and ending up in jail."

Jack raised his eyebrows confidently. "Don't worry, I've got everything under control. And even if I did something illegal, who could possibly catch me?"

Chris leaned in closer and whispered, "I heard you slept with a beautiful FBI agent last time. How did that go?"

Jack thought for a moment before responding, "I'm not sure which one you're talking about."

With his intelligence and physical fitness, Jack had already accomplished quite a lot in the spy world, such as capturing evidence against a notorious drug lord. But as for why he did the strange and reckless things that Chris found so concerning, it was simply because he found the "gray income" was receiving too restrictive. He needed an outlet to vent his frustration.

For example, when he took money from a drug lord, he made sure to arrest him soon after, so the drug lord wouldn't suspect a thing. But unfortunately, the system said that Jack had breached the contract with the drug lord, so the money he got couldn't be counted as experience points. Jack was furious. So, he took the money to Dubai for a luxurious vacation as revenge.

Jack continued experimenting with different methods but found that even if the income was "gray," it still had to be obtained ethically. He couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. But the system, in Jack's opinion, was a heartless and senseless entity, so his rhetoric didn't work on it.

Jack couldn't shake off the disappointment, but he continued experimenting. He brought along a team in one operation, then deliberately let the drug lord run away, hoping his team would catch him. However, things didn't go as planned. His team members didn't react at all as the drug lord escaped. Jack had no choice but to arrest the drug lord himself again.

Afterward, when Jack questioned the team members, he was told, "You are the famous Jack. I can rest assured that you have your reasons for doing things, and I just need to follow your thoughts and actions. No questions asked!" Jack was left speechless.

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