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Enjoy the chapter, guys...


Reyes had already been infuriated by the actions of Dominic Toretto and his crew lately. As a powerful crime lord in Rio, Reyes had a virtual monopoly on the local police station. Still, small-time thugs came in and started muscling on his territory. Reyes was practically forced to empty his safe and stash the cash elsewhere, a move that cost him face and made him look weak in the eyes of his competitors and subordinates.

People were saying that Reyes was so scared of a group of unknown bandits that he had to hide all his money, and they still hadn't been caught. This public humiliation only served to infuriate Reyes even more.

His men had been unable to find any trace of the other gang. And the wanted posters that had been circulated were practically a joke and hadn't led to any useful information. Reyes felt like he was being publicly shamed, and he was determined to find a way to regain his honor and power.

Reyes sat at his desk, staring at the phone in frustration. He was a crime lord in Rio de Janeiro. Still, he also had various legitimate and illegitimate businesses that helped him climb the ranks to his current position of power.

However, he was having trouble placating his clients, and he knew that if he lost their trust, he would suffer a major blow. His businesses relied on maintaining good relationships with the people he worked with, and he couldn't afford to lose those connections. As he sat there, trying to devise a solution to his problem, his assistant burst into the room with some unexpected news.

"Mr. Jack is here to see you," the assistant said, holding a business card. "He says he'd like to have a 'business talk' with you."

Reyes was initially uninterested, but upon reading Jack's business card and learning about his wealth and economic power, he realized that this was a man he couldn't ignore. The thought occurred to him that if he could strike a deal with Jack, it might be a way to save face with his clients and protect his own interests.

After all, the 100 million dollars in his safe was not all his own - it was a combination of money from many different people. If something were to happen to that money, Reyes knew he couldn't afford to have it traced back to him.

So, he agreed to meet with Jack at 8 pm that evening at a hotel. Jack waved his hand dismissively and told Reyes to make the arrangements. Reyes's assistant quickly left to take care of the details.

Gisele, who was with Jack, looked at him in surprise. "You're really good at doing business," she said. "I didn't expect Reyes to agree to meet with you so easily."

"It's all about understanding what people want," Jack replied with a smile. "Reyes is in a tough spot right now, and meeting with me could be a way for him to save face and reassure his clients. Plus, he knows that I'm a billionaire and might have some good business opportunities for him. It's a win-win situation for both of us."

"I see," Gisele nodded, taking in this information. "So, what's our plan for the meeting with Reyes?"

"We'll just play it by ear," Jack said. "We'll see what Reyes wants to discuss and go from there. Our ultimate goal is to get his palm prints, but we can't be too obvious about it. We'll have to find a subtle way to get them. And remember, we can't let our guard down around Reyes. He's dangerous, and we can't let him catch on to our true intentions."

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