Gisele asked, curious about Jack's decision to wait for the meeting. "Why don't you have him come over right now?"

"When it comes to business, even if it's fake, you can't be too eager," Jack explained. "Although I don't plan on discussing business with this poison owl, now that we have an excuse to meet, we need to make it look credible. That's why we need a proper location, a more formal meeting, and a formal discussion. Of course, the final result will naturally not be a successful, friendly collaboration. After all, we just need Reyes's palm prints now. Once we have those, we can start our plan. And after the successful plan, do you think Reyes can come back to bother us? Besides, he will be very disappointed if he sees me as a lifeline. By that time, I'll probably have already left here."

"Did you plan this long ago, or did you just come up with it?" Gisele asked.

"Of course, I just came up with it," Jack said, yawning. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be interested in dealing with a drug lord..."

He was lying to Gisele, as he had done many deals with various drug lords in his previous life. And was a ruthless individual who would do whatever it took to provide a better life for his brothers. He had been holding back in this new world as he was already financially stable. Still, Jack had managed to build a wide web of contacts in a short period unknown to Toretto and the rest.

"So what should we do now?" Gisele asked, feeling completely lost and confused in a completely unfamiliar situation.

"Go to my bedroom," Jack said with a smirk.

"It's not the time for that, okay?" Gisele rolled her eyes.

"Anytime is a good time for that," Jack said seriously.

"Ah, Men!" Gisele muttered.

"Oh no, you misunderstood me. I was saying that we need to prepare for the meeting. Can't go to a meeting in a bikini now, can we," Jack said matter-of-factly.


In The Evening

"To be honest, do you think I look weird in this suit?" Gisele twisted slightly, feeling unaccustomed to it.

"You look fine," Jack smiled and said, "If you want my opinion, you could try wearing armor."

Surprise, Gisele's eyes wide and eyebrows raised. "Armor?" she repeated, confusion etched on her face. "Do you mean that kind of full-covered thick armor?"

"No, no," Jack chuckled, "You still have to show your arms and legs."

"Like a bikini armor?" Gisele asked, trying to imagine such an outfit.

"More like a swimsuit with leggings and boots," Jack said with a grin.

Gisele gave a small laugh, her expression still skeptical. "That sounds like a weird suit," she commented.

"I know, right?" Jack agreed, his grin widening.

"Who would be stupid enough to wear something like that...Wait, is that a camera?" Gisele asked abruptly, noticing a small camera in Jack's hand.

"Are you recording this?" She asked in confusion.

"It's okay," Jack nodded in satisfaction and put the camera away. "It's just shooting some interesting short films."

Gisele nodded, but something still felt off to her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she felt something was wrong. However, she didn't want to pry, so she held back from asking any questions.

Just as she was lost in thought, one of Jack's men knocked on the door. "Mr. Reyes is here," he announced.

Gisele quickly stood up, straightening her suit. It had been specially prepared for the meeting but was a bit too big for her, causing a section of her calf to be exposed when she sat down. Only when she stood up was she able to cover her ankles. On the other hand, Jack had a suit tailored specifically for him, fitting him perfectly.

Reyes walked in with a confident stride and a smug smile. He was a tall, muscular man with dark hair slicked back and a well-groomed beard. He was dressed in an expensive, tailored suit highlighting his wealth and power.

The meeting with Jack was a chance for Reyes to save face and reassure his clients, and he was eager to make the most of it. Little did he know, Jack had ulterior motives for the meeting and was planning to use it to gather Reye's fingerprints.

Reyes walked into the room, his bodyguard close behind him. Jack's subordinates had searched them before allowing them to enter, and Reyes's own bodyguard had initially tried to resist. However, they quickly froze under the intense gaze of Jack's professionally trained security team. They knew they didn't stand a chance against these retired soldiers, who had been hired by Jack to provide protection.

Reyes couldn't do anything about it. He knew his own bodyguard was no match for these professionals and didn't want to cause any conflict. He had come to this meeting hoping to secure a generous order from Jack and was eager to keep things peaceful.

After some polite exchanges and small talk about their businesses, the conversation turned to the real reason for their meeting. Reyes was eager to impress Jack and show him the potential for a profitable collaboration. At the same time, Jack secretly gathered Reyes's fingerprints. The two men sat across from each other, carefully sizing the other up and trying to get what they wanted from the meeting.

"In any case, Mr. Reyes, I do want to do business with you," Jack said, swirling the red wine in his glass. "But the premise of doing business is, naturally, ensuring the safety of our collaboration. Can you guarantee that?"

"I can guarantee this," Reyes replied with a confident smile. "I dare not say anything else. In Rio, I can absolutely guarantee safety!"

Jack shook his head helplessly, his expression serious. "Mr. Reyes, although I am indeed here for the first time, I am not a blind or deaf person. I have heard about recent events, and until you have completely resolved those issues...I'm sorry, but I cannot do business with you."

With that, Jack stood up, signaling the end of their meeting. Reyes's face fell, disappointed that he had been unable to secure a deal with the wealthy businessman.

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