I know him?

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My face drained I didn't think it could get any whiter the man stepped out of his car i stared up at him he had dark brown hair and was really tall he was wearing a suit and his car looked expensive his whole appearance just screamed rich i looked over to damon why didn't he look worried? Why are we just standing here? Oh my god rocky fuck up damon obviously knows him I looked down careful im not making eye contact

"Hey millar" damon smiled i looked over to damon to see him smiling at the man millar? Is that his name? I wanna go I don't feel comfortable I've seen him before but where?
I heard damon and millar making small talk with eachother until millar spoke

"Well Cameron and tessa are up at the castle if you boys want to come up" millar smiled my face dropped againno damon please say no i don't wanna go anywhere but outside

"Yeah sure i dont mind" damon answered i sighed knowing I'm going to have to go with him

"Rocky you ok with that?" Damon asked me all i could do was nod, no im not ok with it! We went to millar's fancy car and got in he drove up the hill damon was talking anout and he was right it is quite big we got to the castle andillar drove through the gates into a garage.

My facial expression was amazed the amount of cars here is unreal wow do thry need this many though? eh who am i to judge i wore the same clothes for 5 years and lived in an alley way. I was so lost in thoughts i didnt see they had got out of the car damon came round to my door and opened it
"You coming bubbles" he smiled i looked up ar him and took my seatbelt of off getting out
"I think your gonna need extra help sitting in a car" he laughed i looked at him confused
"Your small you need a booster seat" he said putting his hand in mine i liked it he made me feel safe and that i could trust him you dont fucking trust anybody stop being so gay with him you faggot i tried blinking away the tears as this stupid voice kept insulting me im not even gay we walked into the castle and wow its big

"They're in the gaming room" millar told us well more told damon we started walking until he called me back damon must of told him my name
I stopped in my tracks and turned round i gulped not making eye contact with him

"Can we go to my office" he asked he got stern i didnt like the feeling but i followed him to his office i stood there fiddiling with my fingers

"Who are you?" He asked i shook my head im not answering him

"No? Where do you come from" he got more firm i started shaking again no answer

I gasped as i felt myself being pinned up against the wall I started breathing heavily hes reminding me of daddy
"Im gonna ask you again WHERE DO YOU COME FROM!" He yelled i flinched as he shouted again "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR FUCKING ANSWER ME!"

"I-I" i couldnt get a word out just then i tall man walked in and ran over to us he pushed millar off of me

"Millar what the fuck are you doing? Hes just a child!" The nice man yelled i was shaking he pulled me into a hug "its ok your ok" i breathed heavily i couldnt take it i pushed him of me and ran ran as fast as i could out of the castle not wanting to come back.

After some time it started to get really cold and dark i kept walking round the park when i noticed two men they started following me i started picking up my pace

"Come here pretty boy we just want to talk to you" one of the men said i shook my head and kept walking. next thing i know im being grabbed by one of the men I tried getting him to let go but that just led me to being slapped very hard across my face "be a good boy and just listen to us and it'll be all over quickly gorgeous" the man said again as they dragged me to anogher alley way i tried grtting them to let me go i gasped as i felt my clothes being tooken off i shook my head feeling the tears fall down my face as the other man started undoing his belt I then screamed out in pain as one of the men pht themselves inside of me as the other began touching me i kept shaking my head too weak to say stop but after what felt like forever the torture ended and they oeft me lying there in the cold alley dripping with blood I couldn't move is this it? Is this finally my time to go? I closed my eyes hoping that this was all just a dream.

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