The nightmares

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The sweat, The tears, The panic, but why? I wish i could tell you I don't even know myself I guess maybe it could be the terror i went through? Maybe, Is there anyway it could end?.


I feel like I'm drowning like someone is pushing me down making sure i don't get up.

I can't breathe why can't I breathe not a normal feeling  a kid my age should feel it's not a nice feeling, the feeling off your throat closing in on itself your lungs stop working then the darkness comsumes you. I end up in the room.

Its cold and quiet may i add bright? I know this room it's familiar because I've been here a couple times it's not a good place to be i had went to the library and asked the librarian what it meant, I was shocked when she told me you wouldn't believe me if I told you but who else would I talk too your not real. Your in my head but I'll get back on topic basically I've been close to death more closely than you think. The white room is the room between death and life scary Isn't what's even scarier is that im nevet alone there's a man kind of similar looking to me he doesn't see me though i see him he always looks frustrated and stressed But he spoke last night like he actually said something it was strange he was talking about me have i stressed this poor man? But how. It sounded like he was looking for me I dont know why? I'm not important I'm just an orphan I have no family it's made me confused

7:25am the time read I've come to realise thats the time for school just then damon walked in

"Hey dude" he wasn't ready for school?

"Why aren't you ready?" I asked we normally leave soon

"Oh I forgot to tell you its off today bank holiday or something i don't know but i mean free day off I'm taking it" he laughed I nodded to him he came and sat beside me

"Wanna go out you haven't left the house once" damon asked I didn't really want to leave the trouble will just follow me again

"I have no friends" i said it so casually i mean im not lying I literally have no friends

"You have me I'm your friend" he smiled i laughed

"Yeah but you have other friends that don't know me" i mumbled

"Rocky you will have friends cameron and tessa are normally the only ones i go out with sometimes we're with camerons brother jaxon and hayden thats about it" he explained

"Prince hayden?" I asked

"Yeah my mum is close with the king not really a big deal" he shrugged he's rich and spends time with royals? Woah

He grabbed my hand "come on we're going out" we walked downstairs

"I didn't agree" i mumbled

"Rockyyy they'll like you trust me" he smiled at me i laughed as we left the house

"Ugh do we have to walk up this hill" I whined im not in the mood for walking uphills right now

"It's not that bad better than walking up that one" i looked to where damon pointed woah he's right that hill is quite big

"What's the top of the hill?" I asked

"The royals duh" he said said in a 'how didn't you know' tone of voice i shrugged we kept walking when i realised there was someone watching us i turned to look at the car and the car started to drive away i thought nothing off it and caught up with damon when the car pulled up beside us and a man stepped out the colour drained from my face..

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