Day 3.2 | no more fucks

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She isn't supposed to be anywhere near me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She isn't supposed to be anywhere near me. At least not until the defamation case is over. Which is why ASU allowing her to remain on campus doesn't make any fuckin' sense.

For a moment I just gape, blood draining from my head. The fact that she still has all this power over me...that I let her...

Abby steps closer, shoving her hands into her jeans as if she's the one nervous. Her dark brown hair is still cut at an angle to her neck—the bangs longer than the back strands. Her bright jade eyes funnel in on me with immense sadness. It looks like she's been crying. It looks like she's hoping to mine my sympathy. It's a good reminder of how easy she plays the victim.

I step back. "What the fuck do you want?"

Swallowing with exaggerated effort, she tucks a bang behind her ear. "Just to talk."

"We're not allowed. We're in the middle of a court case." 'Cause my lawyer convinced me to sue your ass, I almost add, but think better.

She holds her hands up and softly says, "I know. I thought a lot about coming here this morning." Her eyes water. "But I knew this would be my only shot at finding you alone."

Of course. She used to know my basketball schedule backwards and forwards so she could fill up all my free time doing things for her. Even with us broken up—even in the midst of a court battle, some things never change.

"What do you want?" I ask, ready to walk away. It's starting to dawn on me that I don't have to hear her out. I owe her nothing.

"I just wanted to say..." She pauses, looking down. Chews on her bottom lip until it puffs red. Tears sprinkle down her cheeks.

Fuck, she's good at this. I've seen enough TikToks to know she cries like an angel.

"Ace," she says, finally bringing her face up to meet me in the eye. "This court case is ruining my life."

"Wow." I take another step back, a wave of disbelief crashing over me. "Your fucking nerve." I shake my head, running a hand over my head. She didn't even start with an apology—just went straight into making it about her. As per ususal.

"I get it. You're angry." She dares another step forward.

"Angry?" Pain twists my face. "Nah I'm past angry. That ship sailed ages ago. Now I'm over everything about you. I can't wait to get you outta my life for good once this judge rules you're guilty. And then I'm gonna petition ASU to get your ugly, lying ass off this campus so I never have to see you again."

"Ace." Abby chokes on her tears. "Please. You have no idea what it's been like for me—"

"Be fuckin' for real." I roll my eyes.

"I've lost my job. So many of my friends. My dad can't afford our lawyer for much longer—"

"Okay, and?"

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