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NICK'S P.O.V. : Demi and I were still in the living room when we heard a cry from upstairs.

Nick: oh, that's Elodie

Demi: yeah, would you like to go with me?

Nick: sure (we both walked upstairs and found her crying standing in her straddle)

Demi: okay okay, let's see what happened to you my princess (she picked her up and Elodie snuggled into her neck still sobbing) mommy's here

Nick: and also daddy (I whispered and Elodie looked at me) hey baby, how are you?

Elodie: daddy (she said and threw her arms to me)

Demi: okay, you go with daddy

Nick: come here, did you have a bad dream? (She nodded and snuggled into my chest) that's okay baby, it's not real. Everything is okay

Demi: um, why don't you guys stay here while I order something to eat and make Elodie her dinner?

Nick: sure, I'm gonna check on her

Demi: if you need me, just call

Nick: don't worry, we'll be fine, won't we? (The baby nodded and Demi smiled before leaving the room)

I caressed Elodie's back gently as she looked at me with surprised eyes. She slowly touched my eye and I felt tears in my eyes.

Elodie: daddy sad?

Nick: yes baby, today daddy is sad. Give me hug (she hugged me and I felt kind of relieved) let's go see what mommy's cooking for you?

Elodie: yey! Mommy!

I walked downstairs with her in my arms and saw Demi cooking some vegetables for our daughter. She looked like a real good mom. Of course she did.

Elodie: mommy

Demi: hi baby (she said turning around and watching us with a big smile) um, Nick, I ordered a pizza, does that work for you?

Nick: course

Elodie: me pizza?

Nick: (I chuckled) oh no, you don't pizza

Elodie: oh (she said and her smile faded)

Nick: why can't she eat pizza?

Demi: oh, cause I don't want her eating trash food just as often as an adult does. Only, I don't know, once a month.

Nick: oh, I got it...you're really a parent, unlike me (she chuckled and nodded)

Demi: but you'll be soon, it's just a matter of time. Look at you holding that little girl, something I always wished to witness

Nick: what? (Her cheeks turned slightly red)

Demi: it's just, I always wondered how you'd look when being a dad, and here's my answer

Nick: why did you?

Demi: oh well, I don't know, I guess sometimes when you have feelings for someone, you just think that kind of things

Nick: but- (the doorbell rang and Demi disappeared from the kitchen going to the door)

I wanted to know when she felt that towards me, but I felt like she didn't want to talk about that. So I chose to say nothing.

Elodie: movies (she whispered pointing to the tv in the living room and I nodded before walking there)

I sat on the couch and sat her beside me. I turned the tv on and some cartoons were on screen, she smiled so I left it there. I couldn't help but feel mesmerized with the view of Demi and I's little daughter sitting on a couch just chilling and watching tv. She was something unbelievably perfect. She was ours. I was grateful for her even though it would completely change my life as I knew it.

Demi: guys? Dinner time (she said from the kitchen and I looked at Elodie)

Nick: let's go eat?

Elodie: no, movies (she said and I picked her up) movies! (She said as her anger started to get higher)

Nick; but you gotta eat something, then you can watch movies

Elodie: no, daddy bad (she said starting to cry)

I got so nervous mi hands started to shake a little bit at her reaction. Thankfully, just as I entered the kitchen, Demi came to the rescue.

Demi: that's not the way to behave Elodie Lovato. Let's go eat and then you can go watch a movie before bedtime. (Elodie dried her tears and nodded) what do you say to daddy?

Elodie: sorry (she whispered and I kissed her forehead)

Nick: I'm actually surprised, you're a natural after all Demi

Demi: oh no, it hasn't been this easy, we've been through a lot (I nodded and Demi picked her up from my arms before putting her in her chair)

Nick: you did amazing tho (she smiled at me and took a sit beside Elodie)

I sat on the other side of Elodie and started eating pizza with Demi while she fed the baby too with one hand.

Demi: Nick um...what are you gonna do with Priyanka?

Nick: I don't know, I haven't thought of it until now

Demi: oh, sorry, I just wanted to know but it's okay if you don't know

Nick: do you think I can spend the night here?

Demi: sure, I told you so. You can spend here all the time you want to, I believe it's a a good thing even for Elodie, so she can get used to you being around

Nick: do you think she likes me? (Demi chuckled with a sigh)

Demi: she just loves you a lot, she's always naming daddy around the house

Nick: that's way too cute

Demi: one day we should hang out with Joe and Sophie, so Elodie can play with Willa

Nick: for sure, they're the closest in age so it would be fun for them

After having dinner, Elodie started to fall asleep in her chair.

Demi: would you take her upstairs while I clean? (I nodded and tried to grab my daughter but she looked at Demi)

Elodie: mommy sleep

Demi: oh, sorry-

Nick: take her to bed, she's used to her mom doing it, I'll clean everything here

Demi: just...okay, if you finish just come upstairs

Nick: sure (she picked Elodie up and I kiss the toddler cheek) goodnight princess

Elodie: goodnight (she whispered and disappeared from my sight through the stairs)

I cleaned up the dishes fast and once I finished, walked to my baby's room. I was welcomed by the sound of Demi's voice singing a lullaby to the kid. It sounded as precious as ever. It was perfect. She was the perfect image of a mom.

Demi: hey, she fell asleep (she said once I entered the room and I glanced at the sleeping beauty in her arms before smiling)

Nick: I definitely could get used to this

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