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DEMI P.O.V.: The morning arrived faster than I would've liked. Suddenly I was driving to starbucks with slightly shaking hands and hoping Nick would forget about the meeting.

Once I parked my car on the driveway, I saw Nick inside the coffee shop already ordering.

Demi: so fucking punctual (I sighed and walked inside waving at him) hey

Nick: hey

Demi: you ordered?

Nick: yes, I also ordered for you...I hope you don't mind

Demi: oh I don't (I shrugged and he nodded)

Nick: there it is (he grabbed our coffees and we walked to the back of theplace to take a sit)

Demi: thanks (I said as he handed me my coffee)

Nick: so umm, you told me you had something important to tell me

Demi: did I?

Nick: yeah (I bit my lip and nodded)

Demi: I know um...did you have a good nightof sleep last night?

Nick: yes, what about you?

Demi: me too

Nick: awesome then

Demi: what a crazy wheather, last night it was super starry and now it's all grey and white cloudy sky

Nick: Demi, what's going on?

Demi: I umm...I'm just trying to chitchat

Nick: no need to do it, let's just go to the point. I'm curious about what you said you had to tell me

Demi: course you are  (I whispered and he frowned)

Nick: what?

Demi: nothing, sorry

Nick: will you say something or should we leave it for another day?

Demi: no, I'll tell you what I said I had to tell you

Nick: okay, I'm all hears

Demi: so umm (I started playing with my fingers)

Nick: so...

Demi: you know a while ago we had some like hoursas a couple

Nick: mhm

Demi: it didn't last more than two days before the downfall

Nick: yeah

Demi: you then got married and I dissapeared from the spotlight

Nick: I think so

Demi: and umm...it was a rough time for me

Nick: it was for me too even if you thinkit wasn't

Demi: well, you got married

Nick: well I was told to do it

Demi: sure umm...that's not what matters anyways

Nick: what is it then?

Demi: sorry, I gotta pee real quick

Nick: Demi, what the fuck? What's going on?

Demi: I'll be right back (I walked to the bathroom and started vreathing to calm myself down) shit

I thought leaving in that moment, but when I looked at my lockscreen to see the time, I just knew I had to stay. After washing my face and calming down, I went back to where Nick was.

Demi: sorry

Nick: it's okay (I sat down and breathed deeply)

Demi: just let me talk until I finish

Nick: kay

Demi: so umm, like I said, it was a rough time. After a while, I think the day you were seen out with Priyanka and it spread all over the internet, I felt physically ill, so I went to see my doctor and after long tests and stuff, I found out something that simply changed my life (he frowned with a nod) I umm, the next week I got my tests and umm, I found out...I mean, the doctors found out I was pregnant (his eyes widened and I gulped hard) By that time we weren't in contact with each other and you were all moved on so I thought the best thing to do was having an abortion. Of cours, the day it was meant to be done, I regretted my decision and so I continued with the pregnancy. Later on I was decided to tell you about it but saw the news of your marriage, so I just left my music career aside and dedicated to take care of me and the pregnancy. In July, the 5th, two years ago, I gave birth to a babygirl. I've been taking care of her ever since and I thought we'd never meet again but after we met these past days, I made the decision to tell you about her. She's, in case you're wondering, your daughter. I didn't sleep with anyone else around that time so it's 100% your daughter. Of course I know I made bad choices but I wanted to let you have a life far from me, and wanted also the same for me. I'm sorry if this causes any problems with your wife and you don't owe me anything so wheter you want or don't want to be in our daughter life, it's okay

He looked at me with jaw dropped and I touched his arm softly causing him to move backwards.

Demi: Nick-

Nick: how could yoube so selfish?

Demi: what?

Nick: you didn't- Demi I had a right to know I wad going to be a dad!

Demi: Nick, please don't shout, it's gonna be out everywhere and I kekpt her as a secret for two years

Nick: I know damn well you did! I had a right Demetria, she had it too. We deserved to know about each other

Demi: she does!

Nick: oh really? Sure, a two year old surely know who her dad is out of everyone else in the world

Demi: she really knows

Nick: bullshit, I also deserved to know about her. It would've changed literally everything!

Demi: you know now

Nick: no shit Sherlock! (he bit his lip and shook his head) you're a bad person Demetria

Demi: what? I was just trying to protect her and you and give you both a better life

Nick: I would have a nice life with her and she would have it with me but you were just selfish as fuck!

Demi: I'm done, you're being pathetic, I'll be home with her today if you wanna meet her

Nick: whatever, we're literal stranger so I don't think she'd be comfortable with me

Demi: you can do whatever you want to...but stop being a fucking jerk

Nick: right, now you're gonna give me leasons on how to be a good person? You? Out of everyone in the whole damn universe?

Demi: fuck you idiot (I grabbed my phone and headed out of the coffee shop feeling my blood boiling)

He was an absolute jerk.

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