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NICK P.O.V.: I sighed as I left the building where I had just finished doing an interview. It was just me again, not band for a while since I dropped another solo album a while ago. I walked past my fans, waving at them and climbed into my car. 

Nick: I hate morning stuff in winter (I whispered to myself and looked at my bodyguard while he started driving) Would you mind taking me to a coffee shop before going home? 

X: of course not, where to?

Nick: same place as ever 

X: sure (I nodded and rested my head on the back of the seat as I connected my phone to the car stereo) 

Nick: okay, let's see (I scrolled through spotify and picked a playlist to listen to called "Winter mood". It was a mix of ballads, both old and new) 

I closed my eyes as Elvis Costello started to sing and just let time pass until we arrived to the coffee shop. After parking, I walked into the shop and noticed it was almost empty, reasonable since it was monday. 

Nick: hello, I'd like to ask for a cup of dark coffee

X: with sugar? 

Nick: no 

X: okay, for...

Nick: Nicholas (the guy nodded and I moved to the other sie of the bar to wait for my coffee) 

I started scrollling through my texts. Nothing important, tho, I answered to my wife.

Priyanka- hey, tonight I'll have my friends coming over to the house, I hope you don't mind 

Nick- oh, I don't, I'll hang out with Joe and Sophie then 

Priyanka- nice 

It was funny to see how cold we became after the wedding, I don't know why, she neither...but we didn't mind it, and that was the weirdest thing. It was like we were still married cause we got used to each other. 

I was brought back to reality when a cold wave of wind hit me in my back, I didn't look cause I knew it was someone opening the door. 

X: hey, how are you? Can I ask for a mocha and a vainilla milkshake please?

X: all the same as always? 

X: uh yes please, and a croissant 

X: for cinderella, right? 

X: yes (I chuckled listening to that conversation, it seemed pathetic) 

The woman that was shopping moved to where I was as I covered myself with my coat trying not to be recognized in case she was a fan. 

I felt a cold wave of wind again and that blew a perfume on me that made me close my eyes instantly. There was no way. 

X: Nicholas, your coffee is ready (I grabbed it and walked to the door quickly without looking at anything else than the floor) 

I was opening the door when I stumbled with something on the floor that almost made me fall. I looked at it and grabbed it. It was a pink fluffy glove. 

Nick: is this yours? You should be more careful with your things, if I almost fell, someone could've fell too (I said to the woman standing beside me and she turned her head at me after taking off one earpod) 

X: sorry, where you talking to- (her eyes widened a little and I sucked on my breath) 

Nick: Demi (I whispered trying to think clearly)

Demi: what a coincidence...

Nick: I guess. Is this yours? (she looked at the glove in my hand and nodded before grabbing it) 

Demi: yes, than you and sorry if you stumbled with it

Nick: yea, don't worry 

X: cinderella your coffee is ready (I smiled thinking it was obiously hers, suddeny it didn't seem pathetic at all) 

She moved to grab her coffee and a vainilla milkshake causing me to frown. 

Nick: you drink those now? (I asked her as we walked to the dooor)

Demi: the milkshake you mean? (I nodded and she shrugged) kinda 

Nick; kinda? oh...is it for someone else? 

Demi: I think so (she whispered and I frowned at her) 

Nick: what do you mean? 

Demi: oh, nothing, chill. Anyways, it was nice seeing you after what? 

Nick: 2 years 

Demi: and a half...so, I gotta go now, have a nice life Nick, bye 

Nick: uh same, and bye (she small smiled at me and walked towards a white car)

I entered to my car and kept staring at her car, there was someone else in the passenger seat, I could notice from afar. 

Nick: we can leave...to my house please

X: sure 

The car started moving and when we were just beside Demi's car, I could see her mom in the car with her, until Demi opened her door to get in and a toddler jumped to her and hugged her strongly as she smiled big. My jaw dropped a little at how similar that little girl was to Demi. A new niece, maybe Dallas had a baby girl. 

The scene was heartwarming so I opened my window to look better at them. That's when the car started moving again and I could only hear a whisper mixed with the traffic.

X: thank you mommy! (I istantly looked at them, they were already inside the car, it was probably not that small girl's voice) 

Nick: impossible (I whispered)   

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