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DEMI'S P.O.V.: I heard my phone ringing and looked at it.

Nick ~ I'll be there in 10.

I bit my lip and walked to my daughter's room where she was taking a nap.

Demi: hey babygirl, it's time to wake up (I whispered in her ear as I picked her up)

Elodie: no momma

Demi: yes baby, I promise it's worthy (she started crying and I sat her in the sofa before grabbing her little hands) listen to me baby, I know I woke you up and that makes you mad but today is a very special day for you

Elodie: no

Demi: yes princess, today... daddy's coming

Elodie: daddy? (I nodded and she smiled and jumped a little) yey!

Demi: I know baby, it's so exciting, right? (She nodded and I tipped her nose)

I walked her to her wardrobe and waited for her to pick her clothes. We always did this so she could choose what she wanted and who she wanted to be.

Elodie: I want pink (I chuckled as she handed me a pink sparkle dress)

Demi: awesome princess (she smiled and I picked her up to kiss her cheeks) mommy loves you

Elodie: love mommy (we hugged and I started to change her clothes fast)

Demi: we gotta hurry cause your dad is way too punctual (I picked her up after putting her dress on and walked downstairs quickly)

The doorbell rang and I left her playing in the living room while I walked to open the door.

Nick: where's-

Joe: my Demi! (He said excitedly and I chuckled before walking to hug him)

Demi: you don't have an idea of how fucking much I've missed you Joseph

Joe: me too

Nick: where's my daughter?

Demi: our daughter... she's in the living room, you can come in if you wan-

Elodie: daddy! daddy! (I heard her running to the door where we were and bit my lip)

Nick: what did you tell her?

Demi: I told you she knew who you are

Nick: that's bullshit

Demi: sure (I said with a frown)

Elodie ran to me and stopped on her tracks when she saw Nick and Joe in front of us.

Joe: oh my god (he whispered with a smile and she sent me a confused stare)

It took her about two minutes to chuckle and walk to Nick directly grabbing his index finger

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It took her about two minutes to chuckle and walk to Nick directly grabbing his index finger.

Elodie: daddy (she said to me with a smile and I nodded)

Demi: that's your daddy, baby (I turned my eyes to Nick and saw he had teary eyes) come in before anyone sees this

They entered and Elodie left Nick's finger before running to sit on the carpet with her toys. I closed the door and looked at Nick.

Demi: I told you so...over the last two years I haven't lost any chance I had to remind her you are her dad

Nick: yeah, for me that was impossible

Joe: but she proved you wrong... what's her name?

Demi: Elodie

Joe: that's a beautiful name

Nick: I actually like it so I'm glad you chose that one (I nodded and Nick looked at me) can I be with her alone for some minutes?

Demi: of course, Joe come with me to the kitchen, I'll give you a snack

Joe: hey, I'm not like that! (He said with a smile and I chuckled)

Demi: fries or gummies?

Joe: definitely fries (we laughed and left the living room to let Nick and Elodie have some time alone) so, how's everything going?

Demi: not as good now but it's been two wonderful years

Joe: she's two, right? (I nodded and he smiled) she's really beautiful Demi, and in fact, she looks just like Nick and you)

Demi: people says she looks more like Nick, but that's totally okay (we chuckled and I started at him) how's Sophie? And Willa of course

Joe: they're really good. We're actually waiting another little one

Demi: oh my god that's so cute (I said with genuine happiness for him)

Joe: yeah, we're really happy...Demi, why didn't you tell Nick about Elodie?

Demi: I umm...I was being spammed everywhere with all the news about his big fantastic wedding and his successful life with Priyanka and I saw him apparently happy with it, so I didn't want to break that happiness that he created for himself. But I did let Elodie about his dad, she had a right and I know Nick had it too but I just...I felt guilty for getting pregnant, for carrying a child that was the product of a- I don't know, a fling...It made me feel really bad and I didn't want to cause any more problems to him. So I just stepped away and kept her as a secret

Joe: but umm...you had to leave your career, right? (I nodded and small smiled)

Demi: it didn't matter as much anyways, I just wanted my daughter to be safe and that was the only way to do it

Joe: must've been difficult to take care of her all alone

Demi: sometimes it was, and it is...but it's just worthy everytime I see her smile (he nodded)

Joe: just come here amazing human (he hugged me tightly and kissed my head) you did an incredible job with her, I'm sure about it

Demi: I hope so Joe, I hope so (after a short silence I glanced at him) Do you think Nick hates me?

Joe: kinda, but I mean, it's not a real hate, it's just anger

Demi: do you think he'll forgive me one day?

Joe: you're jocking? You're Demi, and he's Nick. It's always been like that, fights, hate and then all love

Demi: I wish we were still friends

Joe: yeah, I know, you'll be eventually don't worry (I sighed and started playing with my fingers)

Demi: Nick is still umm...

Joe: with Priyanka? Yes, but not as happy as everybody would say he is

Demi: it doesn't matter anyways, how are you after your accident?

Joe: umm, just a few broken ribs but getting better real quick actually

Demi: that's awesome... you're one of a kind Joseph

Joe: you too, Demetria Devonne (I chuckled and handed him some fries)

Demi: cheers to our friendship

Joe: cheers Dems (we smiled and started eating)

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