Nene Kisses 😳

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After practice, they sat on one of the little orange benches in front of the stage, talking about video games and Rui's top tier, totally amazing, and totally safe invention.

Annabeth turned to smile at him, but he wasn't there. Had the others really not noticed? They began laughing at something Percy had said, so she slipped away to go find Rui.

Opening the door to the stage, Annabeth spotted him. He was sitting criss-cross on the floor, staring at the rest of the group. He was slightly hidden by the pulled back curtain so Annabeth didn't feel too stupid for not seeing him.


"AH!" He jumped and turned around to see who it was. "Oh, hi."

"Um, what are you doing?"

He looked down at some pieces of machinery in his hands. "Well I was trying to make something, but I kept zoning out." He looked back at the rest of the group, his expression a little strange.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Oh, it's just you had this weird expression on your face."

"Oh." His cheeks turned slightly pink.

Annabeth gasped. "Were you looking at someone?!" She sat down next to him.

"No. What gave you that idea? I mean I was looking in the general direction of people, but not at a specific person."

Annabeth frowned. "Okay, fine. Totally believe you."

"Okay, yeah. I was looking at someone specific."

"You were? Who was it?" She smiled widely.

"Your.......mother." He grinned even wider than Annabeth.

"Fuck you."

Rui gasped. "Excuse me! Did you just curse in front of me? My beautiful ears will never be holy again! My unscathed heart will forever be plagued with the sound of your horrible curses!"

"Oh, please. I just heard you cuss the other day."

"That's different because I'm allowed to."

Annabeth frowned. "Okay, but actually tell me. Please!"

"Do you seriously need to know everybody's crush? Your already trying to figure out Tsukasa's. I say, he can love whoever the fuck he wants. And I don't need to know."

"Is it him?"


"Is Tsukasa your crush?"

Rui frowned. "Annabeth-"

"He is!" She stood up and smiled down at him.

Rui stood up too. "Annabeth I swear to god-"

Annabeth gasped. "I have knowledge. I have a secret. I am all-powerful!"

"Annabeth if you tell anyone I will kill you."

Annabeth stopped. The expression on Rui's face told her that he was not just threatening her, but probably would kill her if she told anyone. "Okay. I won't tell anyone. I'm surprisingly good at keeping secrets."

"Okay, good. Let's go back before they notice we've been missing."

"I'm surprised they haven't yet."

"Only Nene's observant, but she doesn't care that we're gone."


They joined the rest of the group. "Annabeth, Rui. Where did you guys go?"

"Oh, I was building something and Annabeth came to look for me."

Percy nodded. "What were you building?"

"Oh, just a small little replica of something I'm going to build to get you home. A portal shouldn't be too difficult. I mean, it should be easier than a Time Machine."

Percy giggled. "Yeah, cause a Time Machine isn't possible. I'm catching your drift."

Rui frowned. Then grinned proudly. "As a matter of fact, I have built one before, though we had to put future Tsukasa back because somebody named Shiriashi An ruined it. It's still under the stage if you want to give it a whirl."

"Um... no thanks?"

Annabeth stepped in. "Actually, about that.." She explained her dream. She left out the part about the other sekais. She had a weird feeling that she shouldn't tell them.

"Oh, so I have to figure out how to get you to another dimension... that does complicate things. I'm sure I could do it though. I would have to edit my design a bit." He trailed off, his mind already flowing with ideas.

Tsukasa frowned. "Hera is the cow lady, right?"

"Yeah, the one who keeps leaving me cow shits to step on."

"Annabeth, don't talk about her in a bad light. If she sent us here, there's a lot worse that she could do." Percy pleaded.

"I know, I know. It just feels like if she likes us so much, couldn't she have at least provided us a way home? Or maybe asked us if we wanted to go at all?"

"That would have been nice, but unfortunately she's not nice."

Annabeth sighed. "Rui, are you sure you can get us home?"

"Mmhmm..." He stood up and began walking toward the stage, pulling little bits of machinery out of his pockets and fidgeting with them as he walked.

Tsukasa checked his phone. "Looks like it's almost 17:00. Let's go!"

"Didn't you say they could come home with me tonight?!" Emu screamed at Tsukasa.

"Oh, right. My mom probably doesn't want them staying multiple nights anyway." He smiled at them. "Oh, and you guys can keep those clothes. They're too big for me anyway."

"Thank you, Tsukasa. Alright Emu, let's go!"

"Yay!!" She began jumping up and down. "TSUKASA!! CAN YOU GIVE ME A PIGGY-BACK RIDE!?!!?!?!!"

"Why don't you ask Nene? She's your girlfriend isn't she?"

Emu frowned. "Nene is weak. She's always playing video games and never exercises, so her muscles are really small."

Tsukasa sighed. "Fine. But we stop when we get to my house, okay?"

"Okay!!" Emu jumped onto Tsukasa's back smiling as widely as possible. "Let's go!"

They all headed in the direction of Tsukasa's house except for Rui, who was probably still backstage.

When they got there, Tsukasa was huffing and puffing. He straightened out his back, letting Emu slip to her feet.

"Alright bye guys." He smiled and closed the door.

They walked the rest of the way to Emu's house, with Emu complaining the whole way about having to walk on her feet.

They walked in, then turned to say goodbye to Nene.

"Bye, Nene!!" Emu screamed before Nene planted a kiss on her cheek. "eeeEEeEEeEEeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Did you see that!!?! Nene kissed me!" Emu was grinning even wider than Annabeth had seen so far.

"Bye Nene!! Thank you for the kiiiiiiiiiiiissssssss!!"

"Bye Emu. Love you." Nene closed the door.

"Wow." Emu had what appeared to be stars in her eyes. She closed her eyes and shook her head, as if to shake the giddiness out of her. "Let me introduce you to my siblings!"

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