Viserys froze as he thought over his brother's word.


A wedding was quickly set and announced, all the noble houses in the Realm were invited. Aerys sat beside Rhaenyra, the two glancing at each other when the other wasn't looking.  Ser Harrold announced the entrance of the  Noble Houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Music played as everyone but the Royal Family mingled.

"House Lannister with their Lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the west and Master of Casterly Rock" Ser Harrold announced as a group dressed all in red entered the Great hall and bowed before the Royal family. Jason Lannister stepped up to the table as the rest of his family went to find their seats.

"Congratulations, Your Grace. You have made a fine match for the Princess." Lord Jason spoke, only addressing the King, as if Rhaenyra and Aerys weren't sitting in front of him.

"Thank you, Lord Jason." Rhaenyra thanked the arrogant man. "I could think of no better man than my uncle, Prince Aerys."

"Well," Lord Jason shifted awkwardly, looking around the room. "If this is only the welcome feast, I admit , I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding."

"Well Rhaenyra is my eldest daughter and Aerys is my heir. I wanted this to be a wedding for the histories."

"Where is the Queen?" Lord Jason questioned, noticing the empty seat beside Viserys. "I had hoped to pay my respects."

"The Queen is still readying herself for the celebrations." Viserys answered glancing at the vacant seat.

"This is why men wage war," Aerys rolled her eyes at Lord Jason's words. "Because women would never be ready for the battle in time."

"Your presence is always such a pleasure, Lord Jason." Rhaenyra spoke, dismissing the man.

Understanding the Royal family wished to be rid of him, Lord Jason finally took his leave.

"He's still as annoying as ever." Aerys muttered, causing RHaenyra to smile at her uncle.

"Your Grace, Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Aerys, congratulations are in order." Lord Royce spoke, rudely stepping in front of the Hightowers.

"We are very honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold." King Viserys replied.  "I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss."

"Lady Rhea was a unique character. Her kind is not soon to be seen again."

"If there is anything the Crown might do to aid House Royce please just ask."

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon." Ser Harrold announced as the doors opened and in walked the members of House Velaryon.

Viserys seemed shocked as House Velaryon walked towards the table the Royal Family sat at. The group bowed before their king and their future rulers..

House Velaryon marked the last House expected to arrive. As they sat down a familiar head of white hair entered the hall. The guests murmured as Prince Daemon walked up to the Royal table.

Viserys turned to a servant and waved for them to bring a chair. As Daemon sat down, Viserys began his speech.

"Be welcome, as we join together in celebration.Tonight is only its beginning. We honor my family as we celebrate the joining of my brother and daughter. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons, marrying within one's own house has been common in order to strengthen the bonds of family. With House Targaryen-" The King froze as Alicent walked through the doorway dressed in a vibrant green gown, a call for war.

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