Naruto let out a laugh as his friend blushed a little - "Probably to get all the people in the group so that information wouldn't get out." - He commented as he put his hand on the wall so he wouldn't get lost - "or from the looks of it, it was planned more than we thought."

- "Do you think it was planned especially to trap us?" - Adrian asked rhetorically. - "The heir to a house of knights, the heir to a house that lost prestige like mine, and then you, the nephew of Lord Lannister."

- "I think so," - Naruto said. - "My uncle cared enough to care, that's something. Your house, though discredited, is still a house of historical value and my other uncle was the commander of this mission. Besides, we're all highborn, they'll pay good coin for our heads."

- "Money," - He commented bored as he let out a grunt of annoyance, - "Everyone is moving for it."

Naruto just smiled as he looked straight ahead and scanned the hallway, - "People are not as lucky as us Adrian, and have to scramble to get coins quickly and easily," - He said.

- "Not everyone look at my grandmother and uncles," - Adrian commented as Naruto could hear the metal rattling and teeth grinding, - "They took money from your family."

- "Because of my grandfather. He was too permissive and idiotic," - Commented Naruto. - "Besides, I think Roger Reyne had his own patriotic motive."

- "Patriotic?"

- "I think your great-uncle felt, in a way, a duty to help my grandfather's West. As well as helping his house," - Naruto analyzed slowly, - "Otherwise why would he be angry when my aunt was married to a Frey? For a house like Lannister to marry the Freys was not only dishonorable to themselves but to the West. But we'll never know."

- "You may have a point," - Adrian thought aloud, - "but that doesn't take away from what we did."

- "You didn't do anything," - Naruto said as he turned and Adrian's red eyes met his, - "Or else you'd be dead. I can assure you of that."

Adrian could only frown and then smile. He knew there was a small threat in that sentence. Don't betray and I won't do anything. In one sense Tyson was too much like his uncle, they relied on fear and respect in their friendship.

According to both uncle and nephew. It is far safer to be feared than loved, for love is preserved by the bond of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity to their advantage; but fear preserves you by a fear of punishment which never fails.

And though Adrian never thought of betraying what he knew because of the little fear he had within him of what might happen and the loneliness he might have. Their friendship was based more on the respect he had for him for standing up to squires who annoyed him.

After all, Tyson told him well that it is of great importance to disguise one's inclinations and play the role of hypocrite well.

- "Wait," - Naruto whispered as a hand on his chest stopped him from continuing, - "I hear voices."

- "How many?" - He asked as he watched Tyson put his ear to the wall.

- "A group of five people," - Naruto spoke as he settled in a little more, - "I don't hear anything but murmurs of what's out there."

- "So we're close to an exit"

- "It looks like it," - Naruto said as he continued forward, - "We'll have to take them on."

- "They are bandits, their skill is equal to that of a fish without water," - Commented Adrian a little proud of the sword skill of both of them, - "We beat them easily."

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