chapitre deux | k&c

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ʟᴏᴜ ʜᴀ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ been a loyal wife to a bastard husband. And she will forever regret being tied to him for the past 7 years of her life. Alfonso was the man with whom she fell in love seven years ago—the man who took her to France and made her leave her life in England. He was that French man with the green tantalizing eyes she fell in love with on the yacht—the man she kissed that night and was ready to marry him the next day. He was the man Lou thought would never leave her. But she was wrong. So wrong. Alfonso took her to the city of love and made her fall in love with the city, while he fell out of love with her. The next day Lou knew, he was dating every young woman in the city. As she found herself alone in bed at midnight, waiting for her husband to come home.

He didn't.

The bistro was, on a typical day, looked in on by tourists. It was starting to mizzle outside, and Lou dropped the magazine she was reading as she looked out the window, observing and maybe predicting if the rain would continue. Perhaps it was a good idea to bring her Porsche with her. But her eyes were rewarded by a sight she sure was expecting.

There you are.

Lou smiled, still staring at her. She watches as the brunette turns straight to order for herself. She stood there, tall and definitely gorgeous, with that black turtleneck and black wide pants. Her hair waves that looked like Malibu tides. Lou watches her intently. The woman has been coming into the cafe since last week, and Lou could not help but notice her. Those curious stares she held the first night Lou saw her and that was also the night her former spouse started becoming more of a bastard than he already is.

As the woman sat on her usual spot she would always, without fail, occupy, Lou thought the woman looked like a celestial coming from the pages of a timeless novel, a deity in the midst of her own enchanting chapter, as she stared at the window pane, watching as the deluge became more intense. One second, and she was looking back at Lou.

It was not the first time they'd shared glances. It was like a staring game they were quietly playing as the people inside the bistro continued to mind their own business.

The woman looked away. The drizzling stopped as if something have sent the rain to stop it from pouring. Lou took time to observe her once more. It's now or never.

Moments sometimes slip from your own thoughts just before you can process them. And sometimes, chances are given, and you shall take them before they lurch out of your hands. Lou found herself standing in front of the woman as she bravely interrupted her moment with, "Hey! Mind if I join you?"

Time stood still, like how the sky remained black after the rain stopped from ever pouring, Lou, captivated by an enchanting web of charm, came to a momentary halt as if caught in the delicate threads of a spell woven from dreams. Those brown eyes. Like the pools of rich, warm mahogany, carrying the weight of ancient oak trees and the comfort of a crackling hearth on a cool Parisian night. In their depths, secrets whispered like leaves caught in a gentle breeze, inviting Lou to unravel something she would be willing to do so.

"Not at all. Please take a seat." The woman smiled. It was a relief for Lou.

This could be the start of something. She hopes so. Lou was maybe annoyed at how the time quickly sprinted like fate wanted it to. For the first time, she was annoyed at how the clock works and how the measurement of time was ever invented. She sat there, wonder-struck by the woman.

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