The royal carriage was filled with an awkward silence that threatened to suffocate all within it. Aerys found himself sat opposite his brother, a door separating the two brothers; this was the closest Aerys had been to Viserys since he announced his intention to marry the woman his brother had been courting.

"Well isn't this splendid." The King spoke, not noticing the tense atmosphere that filled the carriage. "The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kingswood."

The carriage shook following the King's words as they drove over a hole in the road. Aerys couldn't help but feel sympathy for the Queen as she winced in pain.

"Are you alright?" "Should you be traveling in such condition?"  Aerys and Rhaenyra asked at the same time.

"I am alright. Besides the Maester said that being out in nature would do me well."

"Because the Maester knows so much." Aeryd muttered under her breath, before looking to where the King held his goblet of wine up to the young Prince's mouth. "Should he be drinking so young, Viserys?"

The King looked surprised as his brother and Heir addressed him by name. "He will be fine, Daemon and I used to feed you goblets of wine when you were his age." Viserys spoke before turning to his daughter  beaming with pride "You will be with your own child sooner than late, and make me a proud grandsire."

"It's not so bad," Alicent spoke, smiling since Rhaenyra seemed to finally open up to speaking to her. "The days are long, but Aegon came quickly and without fuss." Rhaenyra once again turned from the conversation at the mention of her young brother, memories of her mother filling her mind. .

"You both should ride out with me today. Join in the chase." Viserys spoke hoping to bond with his daughter and brother.

Aerys shrugged, he had figured he'd have to join the hunt in order to present a united House to the noble families of the Realm.

"I'd rather not. Boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered. I find it discomforting."

"Its a hunt, Rhaenyra. How would you like to participate?"

"I'm not sure why I must."

"Because you are my daughter, the Princess, and you have duties."

"As I am ceaselessly reminded." Aerys rolled his eyes at Rhaenyra's words, knowing where the conversation was leading. Any hopes of a peaceful journey were squashed when the king asked Rhaenyra to repeat her words and she did.

"You wouldn't need to be reminded if you ever attended to them."

"No one's here for me."

The rest of the journey passed in an awkward silence until the royal carriage arrived on the hunting grounds. Cheering could be heard as the King and Queen exited the carriage, soon followed by a servant holding the young prince. Aerys  stayed where he sat across from Rhaenyra.

"Would you like me to stay?"

"Yes please," Rhaenyra whispered. The Heir to the Iron throne moved to sit beside his niece, placing an arm around her shoulder, Aerys pulled her into his chest. Hoping to bring the young girl comfort.


Aerys had stayed outside, speaking to the Master of Laws' eldest son. Ser Harwin was telling the Prince about his nights spent walking through King's Landing when Rhaenyra exited the tent.

The uncle watched as Lord Jason of House Lannister and the Princess spoke briefly before Rhaenyra stormed off, leaving Lord Jason to sulk.

Not long after she had entered, Aerys watched as his niece exited the large tent again, anger practically rolling off of her in waves. The prince decided to follow, when he saw rhaenyra turn to where the horses were tied.

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