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"Every night I'm with you I fall more in love"

Jude sent Eloise the access to the stadium and had her seat next to Valentina, it was a big deal for Mason and Jude because they were both excited for the champions league. From the airport, she went straight to the game even though she knew they were already playing

She was stopped by fans multiple times to take pictures but eventually she had to apologise telling them that she was late. By the time she arrived to the stadium, Sophia was already there watching the game. She stood up hugging her best friend as they both sat down

"Thank you so much for being here today" Eloise said sincerely "It means the world to me"

"Of course, babe. You wiuld've done the same for me. How was your flight?" Sophia questioned curiously and Eloise sighed dramatically

"Awful, I was sick the whole time... Mason isn't playing?" She asked curiously when she noticed Mason wasn't on the field "Anyways, how are you doing?"

"Everything is great, I'm more worried about you to be honest"

"I'm fine" Eloise assured her with a bright smile "I assume, I'm a bit late"

"Well..." Valentina gave her a pointed look "All what matters is that you're here... By the way, Madrid already scored"

"Really?" Eloise asked with a frown, she was happy for Jude, she really was but she felt bad for Mason

They both started watching the game, Eloise kept watching as Mason entered the field to play replacing one of his team mates making her smile without even realising it. The game went on as Manchester tried to score multiple times

After what it felt like twenty minutes, one of the Real Madrid players tackled Mason down making the girls share a look. The worst thing that he went after him making them stand up in concern as the players tried to stop the fight

"For fuck sake" Eloise muttered with a frustrated look

Eventually Mason got the yellow card making him run his hands over his face in frustration, clearly he felt like it wasn't his fault and Eloise would agree too because she saw who tackled who

"Oh, shit" Eloise said under her breath before closing her eyes briefly

The game went on until the end Real Madrid were the winners. Valentina grabbed Eloise's hand and made their way down to the pitch, Jude was the first one to spot them making his way towards them "Hey!" He greeted hugging the younger Rice first and then Valentina

"I missed you, J" Eloise told him with a bright smile "Congratulations, by the way"

"Could you be anymore enthusiastic?" He asked with a playful smile and she chuckled with an eye roll

"I'm just worried about Mason that's it" she admitted knowing how excited Mason was to play against them "But I'm happy for you, I promise"

"I know" he assured her just when familiar bright brown eyes fell on her sucking the air out of her lungs "Go, we'll talk later"

"What?" Eloise asked looking back at Jude who had a teasing smirk

"Go talk to him" he told her pushing her towards Mason's direction before kissing her cheek. He touched her belly making her push him away with a glare

"Are you insane? Anyone could see you!" She whispered yelled and he winked and then walked away

"What are you doing here?" Mason asked in disbelief the second she reached him "You're really here? You said you're busy"

𝙄𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙨 | 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙈𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩Where stories live. Discover now