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I'm sorry that you lost

Big Bro
It's okay, maybe we should've
played harder or trained harder

Stop, you all were great

Big Bro
I personally feel like I wasn't
good enough

You're always good enough,
actually more than just good
enough. You're amazing

Big Bro
Thank you

Stop being hard on yourself
we're all proud of you, I promise.
You did great

Big Bro
I'll be home in two days

We'll get to celebrate Christmas, like
old times. We miss you and J misses

Big Bro
I miss him too

Don't be sad, please

Big Bro
Im disappointed

You played brilliantly

Big Bro
You're my sister ofc you'd think
whatever I do is brilliant

Not everything 🙄

Big Bro
Fine but whenever I play

Bcs you play brilliantly

Big Bro
If you say so

Yes I say so


Direct messages between Mason and Declan

Money Mase
Declan we need to talk

Rice Rice baby
What's up, mate?

Money Mase
About your sister

Rice Rice baby
What about her? What's wrong?

Money Mase
Is she dating Christian?

Rice Rice baby
Why are you asking?

I mean she mentioned something
about hanging out but nothing more

Money Mase

Rice Rice baby

Money Mase
Nothing, I was just asking

Rice Rice baby
Mason, do you fancy my sister?

Money Mase
I do

Rice Rice baby
Since when?

I mean I knew when we were
young you liked her but then
you started dating Stella Russell
so I don't understand

Money Mase
I don't know

Rice Rice baby
Why didn't you tell me?

Money Mase
Bcs Im a coward
and she doesn't feel the
same way so

Rice Rice baby
I thought you haven't stopped
moping over Stella

Money Mase
Trust me I have, the relationship
that messed me up, not her

Rice Rice baby
I can see that

Money Mase
But I don't know why I didn't
tell you, I guess in my head
I thought I'd mess up and
kept lecturing myself that its
YOUR sister

Rice Rice baby
You thought that I would

Money Mase
Idk, I just didn't want to lose

Rice Rice baby
There's nothing better than having
my best mate dating my sister, at
least I wouldn't constantly worry
about her

But you need to promise me that
you won't ask her out until you
KNOW for sure you're over what
happened between you and Stel

Money Mase
Don't worry about that trust
me Stel and I are over and Im
not in love with her anymore

But it's too late, she's going
out with Christian

Rice Rice baby
You can still ask her yknow?

Money Mase
She's not responding to my

Rice Rice baby
Does she know you fancy her?
You already told her?

Money Mase
No, I haven't

Rice Rice baby
Listen, a lot of people think
that she's handful but she's really
not. Im not saying this bcs she's
my sister but bcs it's true. She's
amazing and thoughtful, she's
selfless and sensitive and tend
to walk away when things get a
bit rough bcs some asshole
cheated on her but if you just
show her that you'll never walk
away then she'll give you her all

Money Mase
She is amazing and I don't think
that I'll ever deserve her but I'm
willing to do everything to deserve
her, that I can promise you


Trust me its not all fun and sweet like it seems now

𝙄𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙨 | 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙈𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩Where stories live. Discover now