[•Chapter 23: A Threat•]

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Pix stopped walking as he felt the ground shake, he stumbled as did Scott as well,"What was that?","Something not good. . .", Scott closed his eyes, like he was thinking through all the possibilities of what could have caused.
Was it the corruption?
Or was it from back home??
. . .
"It's The Rift."
"Is it opening again?!"
Scott hummed,"Possibly, we should head back and find out ourselves, is that okay?", "Yeah, I have enough stuff and pictures to last me a lifetime.", Scott smiled, they pulled out some rockets and took off to the sky to head back home.


Sausage Supreme had her at her knees, sword to her neck and had Sausage's magic staff.
"One wrong move and I'll be sure she dies this time."
All members were frozen to their place, they couldn't do anything or he would slit her throat.
"Now; Do yourselves a favour and hand over the Crown."
Joey had the crown last from what they know, that and it was locked away in Pix's Museum.
"L-Look, we don't have it right now. But we can get it."
"Good; Then chop chop or I'm chopping her head off."
False was about to go get the crown herself, risk Pix getting mad at her or upset-
Scott flew down at full speed, kicking Sausage Supreme in the back making him drop to the ground and gave Gem a chance to run to Katherine.
"You mother- You continue to a thorn in my side!"
Scott stumbled in his landing, his muscles were really deciding to give up now of all times?!
Pix landed shortly after and pulled out his sword,"I think it's high time you leave, you are outnumbered once again.", Sausage Supreme glared at them all, Shubble was at her base doing something with Joey as for revenge on him and Bubbles could easily be overpowered.
"Grr. You're lucky, next time you won't be as lucky cause if I weren't outnumbered."
Sausage Supreme grabbed Pix's necklace, pulling him close,"I'd send you into the Rift or even a different dimension.", everyone was on their toes, but Sausage Supreme wasn't stupid.
But he looked at the necklace he grabbed, staring at Pix before letting him go and giving Pix a chance to rub the back of his neck as the pressure of the medallion being pulled.
And without a word, he disappeared.
"Are you okay?"
"We don't want you to turn back into a ghost for real."
"Yeah, all he did was pulled my medallion."
He rubbed his neck and turned to Scott,"You okay?", "I just need to lay down as my muscles are deciding to give up.", and just with that, Scott fell on the grass and fell asleep.
Sausage immediately rushed to help Scott and Katherine did the same.
"I'm surprised he didn't try anything."
"I guess he's bidding his time. . ."
"But; We returned because-Scott had a bad feeling and the ground began to shake.", "Same here.", Sausage looked away at that, it was definitely the Rift and hoped Joel hurried up and closed it again.
. . .
"Wait; Pix where did you get that Medallion?"

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