[•Chapter 20: A Trip•]

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Joel felt somewhat relieved he was still taller than Lizzy.
Though. . . She wasn't Lizzy.
Not the Lizzy he knew and loved, this was a different Lizzy.
. . .
Lizzy did not get reincarnated.
This Lizzy was the daughter of the mother that ran from Emperor Joey 1,000 years ago.
Joel sat at the edge of his empire, his legs dangling off the side and just yarned for the past.
"Hey. . ."
Joel didn't turn around,"What Jimmy, I kind of want to be sad alone. . .", Jimmy sat next to the king, he may have been in his Villain Arc but he wanted to understand Joel more.
"So. . . You were turned into a God against your will?", "Yeah. . .", Jimmy turned to him,"How uhm, if I can ask; How did it happen, do you remember?", Joel rubbed his eye, surprised for a moment before remembering he was wearing gloves.
"Well. . . I can remember some parts, but from what I can recall. . ."

~1,000 years ago~

Joel ran to his wife, finding her dead in her ruined Empire.
Blood ran down his face, but he ignored himself as he tried to shake his wife again,"LIZZY PLEASE!", he didn't know what to do, the others were gone and from what he can remember Scott was going to confront Xornoth!
"Lizzy. . ."
Joel backed away, seeing his gloves stained with her blood and everything around him on fire.
He backed into someone, was it Xornoth finally going to kill him?
He slowly turned around, only to be faced with a being much taller, looked like a ghost but had antlers; looking like some god looking thing.
Joel ran, where, he didn't know but it was anywhere but here!
But his arm was grabbed, the being had shrunk but was still 10x taller than Joel and was definitely stronger as he pulled Joel back.
"Be not afraid, Mortal King. . . There is a much better purpose for you. . ."
Joel tired to struggle, but as he did he left weaker and more tired, like the being was draining him.
"But rest for now. . . And all will be revealed."
The last thing Joel heard was a demonic scream.


"When I woke up, this. . . God told me that I was destin to be a God, I never wanted it but I felt like I had no choice since they saved me. . ."
Jimmy felt like he's heard this before, but from Grian, Martin and himself.
They were forced to become Listeners and A Watcher against their wills.
Jimmy suddenly felt bad, Gods weren't nice people and guess Joel got the short end of the stick.
"I miss my old friends and wife. . ."
Jimmy was shocked, looking at his gloved hands he could see a ring was under the glove.


"You know, I'm starting to think this Dragon is doing this on purpose."
The Dragon seemed to like climbing Pix, whether onto his head or to just perch on his shoulders, Pix didn't mind it though he wondered if Oli told the dragon to do it as a way to get him him to stop working.
"Hey, Pix!"
Pix turned around,"Hey, Scott, what's up?", The dragon jumped off Pix and ran after Fwhip who just so happen to have food on him.
"Remember how I promised to take you to The Fallen Empires?"
"Well: You up for a trip?"
Pix smiled, grabbing a clean notebook and a few things while Scott takes that as 'give me 5 minutes' as he also goes to get more rockets.

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