[•Chapter 4: New Plan-•]

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Scott dug around his crates, he was looking for something but-
Scott smiled with relief, pulling out his sword and shield of crystals,"Perfect.", "Long time no see, your highness.", Scott spun and pointed his sword at an unwelcome guest.
"Sausage Supreme."
Both were in some sort of stand off moment, both armed but Scott had a feeling he had the upper hand.
"You know, I really thought you died."
"Same; Seeing as I stabbed myself in the chest to stop Xornoth.", Sausage Supreme nods, chuckling as he leaned against a table,"Of course, but he's still trapped in a crystal and even if he gets out he has no power.", Scott frowned,"What did you do?", "Drank what was left of his power of course.",Scott glared at him, fixing his grip on the handle,"Of course you did.", Sausage Supreme nods, looking around the room,"Such a down grade from a castle, but guess it matches your personality colour wise.", "Why are you back, if Dark Bubbles set you free you have a reason too.", Sausage Supreme smirked, laughing a little as Scott stood up more properly.
"Isn't obvious? To finish what I started before Wizard Gem sealed me away into the dark realm, and after 1,000 years later I see some have been reincarnated."
Scott grabbed by his scarf,"You're not pulling the same fucking stunt you did 1,000 years ago; You almost had us killed much earlier and don't forget about what happened to Pearl.", Sausage held his weapon to Scott's neck and Scott held his to Sausage's neck.
"Do you plan to stop me."
"I plan to."
Both turn to the sound of a door creaking open, they then saw standing there was Pix with a calm expression but from his eyes Scott could see the shock in his eyes slowly creeping into his eyes.
"I. . . Believe I came in at the wrong time, I'll. . . Come back later."
"Pix; Run."
So he did, Sausage Supreme tried to run after him, but Scott grabbed him and threw him into the tables,"GAH!", "That's for Pearl!", Scott then grabbed him and punched him as hard as he could,"That's for Gem and my friends!", Sausage Supreme tried to push him off as Scott summoned a sword.
Looks like a tavern fight is to commence.


"Pix; Run."
Pix ran as Scott told him, especially once he saw Sausage Supreme try and run after him.
Pix figured the best to run was Joel's place, so reaching for his belt he took out a rocket and took off to the sky to Joel's sky home.


Pix landed safety, he looked over the edge to Scott's base and worried for Scott's safety.
Pix sighed with relief, while he probably looked calm he could feel like his eyes gave away his fear.
Pix turned around, Gem rushed to him as Joel appeared as well,"What are you doing here?-", "Sausage Supreme is with Scott!", Gem froze, Joel's eyes widened,"What?!","I-I also, possibly heard something I shouldn't have.", Gem was concerned, what did he hear-?
They looked up, Scott landed by them and he had a bloody nose, some cuts and marks that would lead to brusies and same goes for his Knuckles.
"I broke his nose."
Gem rushed to him, checking his injuries and Joel turned to Pix,"What did you hear Pix?", Pix gulped, not looking at anyone of them directly,"I heard Scott say something about killing himself, he mentioned Wizard Gem and mentioned that Sausage Supreme continuing what he started. . . And how Scott was supposed to be dead.",Gem turned to Scott, Scott wiped his bloody nose with his sleeve and nods,"Okay; It's okay Pix.", Scott pats him on the shoulder, Joel turned to Scott,"Is your nose broke?", "Nah; He didn't get a good hit. But anyway; Joel?", Joel nods,"Right! Pixandria is fully active, not abandoned like the rest.", Scott nods, Gem handed him a tissue, he took it and held it to his nose.
"I'll go down to Pixandria and check it out myself to find out the truth."
"You're not going alone."
Scott turned to Gem,"Gem; I-", "Please.", Scott sighed,"Okay; Gem, you can come with me.",Gem nods, Scott stood up and threw away the tissue as he was handed some plasters,"And Pix, I'd stay up here till we get back.", Pix nods, so they watched as Gem and Scott took off on their elytras and flew off.
. . .
"What is exactly, happening?"
Joel to Pix,"I can't tell you at the moment, but. . . I'm hoping they come up with some answers.", Joel turned to go inside as Pix stared at the ground.
"You wanna meet Hermes?"
". . . Yeah."

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