[•Chapter 1: He's Back•]

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Gem paced her house, she was sweating, she could feel tears whelming up as thoughts ran through her head.
He's back.
There was no doubt in her mind that Sausage Supreme was back for revenge for what happened 1,000 years ago!
Gem pulled her hair, unable to stand or sit still for even a minute.
All that happened years ago. . .
Gem shut her eyes, she didn't want to remember the pain!
She ran out of her Empire, she had to do something but she didn't know what to do!


Gem ran.
She didn't know where, but she just needed to run!
Gem ran smack into someone, Scott was shocked that he saw Gem close to tears and her hair was a mess, she was pale and looked like she had seen something that scared her.
"Scott. . ."
"What's wrong, why are you crying?"
Gem shook her head,"Something terrible happened. . . I can't tell you, you won't believe and it will only our home and world in danger. . .", she cried into his jacket, silently as she tried to hold back her tears.
Scott only held her close, running his hand through her hair.
"It's okay. . . It's Sausage Supreme isn't it, Gem?"
Gem froze.
She looked up in shock, now seeing Scott's sad expression and his tried eyes but he had a gentle smile.
"You. . . You remember?"
"Sometimes I wish I didn't, but yeah. . . I'm well aware of my past life and what's going on."
Gem didn't know how she felt in that moment, confused or happy?
Gem was tired and smiled, hugging Scott tight and she hugged back.
"It's okay Gem. . . You won't be alone."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner. . .??"
Scott released her a bit, he looked a little sad but mostly tired,"It is. . . Too much of a long story, but I had a reason to not say anything because I didn't even know you knew till a few days ago.", they looked at one another, Gem chuckled and wiped her tears,"Guess we're both on the same boat.", Scott nods, fixing his hat,"Well, I would say I'd apologise for everything that happened 1,000 years ago like uh, nearly freezing you but uh; We have more pressing matters at hand.", Gem nods,"Yes! Sausage Supreme is back, he's pretending to be the Sausage of this timeline!", Scott nods,"But the question I have; How did he escape?", that was a question they both had, Pearl and Gem sealed him away after she killed him.
So how could he have gotten out after all these years?!
. . .
They looked at one another.


Joel entered his room, seeing an envelope on the bed and curious, he opened the letter;

Meet at Chromia's Tavren.
We need to talk.

-Gem & Scott.
Note: Don't tell anyone and don't be followed.

Wonder what they needed from him, it must be important and serious.


Sausage paced the town square of Sanctuary.
"Oh no. . . No, no, no; What do I do?"
A hand reached out and pulled Sausage into the dark alleyway.


Joel entered the tavern.
Seeing Scott with drinks, Gem looking a mess and-
"Have a seat Joel; We need to have a chat about recent events."
"Specifically you and Sausage's Dimensional Travelling."


Joel and Sausage felt so small compared to Gem, her face red with anger and her eyes wild.
It was like facing a dragon.
"Gem, let's calm down."
Thank the gods Scott stepped in, sitting a fuming Gem down with a cup of tea,"We can't completely blame them, Joel I know you're still new to your powers and Sausage I know you couldn't control it much, but you have to understand that gives no excuse to mess with things as something like this would happen.", Joel nods and Sausage, Gem sighed and took a sip of her tea but Scott continued,"But; How did he get out in the first place?", Joel shrugged,"I dunno, most damage I did was swap places with my past life.", then they all turned to Sausage who was oddly quiet.
. . .
"Uhm. . . Well. . . One of the Bubbles. . . Sent him free. . ."
The room fell in silence.
The cup in Gem's hand smashed, making Joel jump and Sausage shrink more in his seat.
Gem felt her eye twitch, all she could see was red and felt like strains of her hair was standing up.
"You're telling me. . . A dog. . . Was able to free a Demon. . . A DOG?!?!?"
Scott sat her back down and gave her another cup but this time it was coffee,"Okay; Least we know how he got out, but the problem remains is how we can get rid of him.", Joel took a drink of his tea as Gem tried to take deep breaths and Sausage composed himself again.
"Can't you, re-seal him again?"
Gem sighed,"Wizard Gem and Saint Pearl did, while I could shapeshift back to Wizard Gem it could break the world more than it already is with events like the Hermits, King Joel and of course Sausage Supreme.", Joel nods, understanding her reasoning.
Scott sighed as he pour himself another coffee and one for Gem too,"Best we can do is keep an eye on them, figure out what he wants before shit hits. I know he wants revenge for what happened 1,000 years ago.", "Petty?", "Very much so.",Gem sighed as she rested her head on the table.
"I'll have to start reading some books to see what I can do, but for now keep the multiverse thing a secret and tomorrow we have to warn the others about Sausage Supreme.", they nod in agreement, taking a sip of their drinks.

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