Just a Little Bit of Hunger

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trigger warning: eating disorder


His stomach aches more than his heart ever did. Even with all the memories that have filled his past, he was still here.

Here in front of Jimmy's house, standing in front of the door while he unlocked it. Most people didn't bother inviting him over. Sure, he had other friends, but there were times where he didn't even exist to them. Sometimes he wonders if they still even like him. They surely don't act like it.

Though, Jimmy does. He was always welcoming, even when they were a bit younger. Before now, he wasn't really close to Jimmy. They've been friends since the beginning of junior high, but rarely talked outside of school. This year was different and he was glad about that.

He had walked to Jimmy's house from school. It was tiring despite the walk being only fifteen minutes. During it he felt as if he'd pass out at any second. It was hard to keep himself up when all he felt was down. Then again, he's had the feeling of passing out constantly for the past two months.

It wasn't fun knowing why, but all he could do was let it happen, not bothering to fix it. He let his little problem here get bad because what else could he do? The only thing he could do was stand still as everything ate him up inside. Trying to heal by himself never worked out the way he wished it would. There was no way he was getting help from someone else. It wouldn't be fair to them to have to deal with his shit. Nobody even knew about his problem here.

He didn't want them to.

"Scott, come on. My mum's inside by the way. My dad isn't in town right now and Lizzie is at Joel's." Jimmy spoke up, getting his attention. He gestured for Scott to go inside, holding the front door open for him. The dirty blond was too sweet. He knew he didn't deserve Jimmy, not with the way he is.

He is broken, he is bruised. All he hopes is that he's not all the things people have said to him. He doesn't want to be a liar, or a nobody.

At least nobody knows that he's gay. That would be hell. He just hoped the word wouldn't get out. If any of his friends found out, they'd spread that shit real quickly. It was only the beginning of the year.

"Thank you." He smiled softly, walking inside. Jimmy's house was pretty, and all he's seen so far is the entrance. On the right of the door was a small table against the wall. There were a few photos of sea life, as well as the ocean and the beach. He knew that Jimmy and Lizzie loved the ocean and creatures in it, but he never thought their parents did too.

"Welcome home, Jimmy! And Jimmy's friend!" He turned around at the sound of a woman's voice, seeing who he assumed to be Jimmy's mom by the stairs. Jimmy dropped his bag and walked over to his mom, hugging her quickly before letting go. He took a few steps towards them to not be in their way, but also to be close enough where it wasn't awkward.

"Scott, this is my mom! Mom, this is my Scott!" Jimmy smiled. He paused for a second, confused. "Wait no-"

"Hi, I'm his Scott." Jimmy nervously laughed at that, his face going red. He covered his face with his hands, laughing behind them.

"Well, nice to meet you, Jimmy's Scott! You can call me Cecilia." Scott smiled softly, feeling comfortable here already. He put his hand out to shake, but instead of taking it, Cecilia went in to hug him.

It was nice for a moment, feeling physical touch. He already really liked Jimmy's mom. Though, that comforting feeling left him when he realised he was being hugged. He didn't want Cecilia to ask about why he was so skinny. You couldn't really tell with his clothing on, since he's had his hoodie and pants when there was more weight on his body, meaning now it just looks a tad baggy.

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