Watch It All Fall Down

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"I just had to tell you something" she said

"Yes?" I scrunched up my face.

"Im done harassing you and Tyrell. I realized what he had and Im not tryna ruin what you guys have. I hired Juliana to break you guys up and she began having feelings for Tyrell so that relationship between them I had to end and, she's gone now. I saw you with Anthony and I was the one,who sent you the message to stay away. I had to work as prostitute to pay off Juliana and Anthony was my 'pimp'. Im ashamed of what I did, and I know fucked up." She stood up. "Please forgive me?"

She finished talking and I had to process all she said to me.



"How dare you!" I stood up. "So it's your fault why I got beat up! "I pushed her chest. "Its your fucking fault why this has all happened to me? i lost my boyfriend because of you!"

"I know Cheyenne Im,sorry! But I had NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ANTHONY. I saw you guys together and that's why I warned you. Just please accept my apology. please?" She was crying.

"Uh can you leave?" I put my head down.

"Here." She grabbed a napkin and wrote her down her number. "Please." She said handing me the paper.

She out her shoes on and left.

Damn man.

I can see she's sorry but yo, look at what has just happened to me.

People are unbelievable, I swear.

*2 hours later*

The doorbell rang, and I instantly knew it was Tyrell.

I got up to open the door, and opened it to see Tyrell smiling with food in his hand.

I fake smiled not trying to show the hurt I was really feeling.

"What's wrong?" he said walking in and putting the food down.

"Ahh nothing babe, how was your day?" I said linking are our arms together.

"Chey don't bullshit me, I know when something is wrong with you. What's wrong?" He sat down on the couch eyeing me down.

I sighed.

"Raina stopped by."

"DID SHE HURT YOU?" He stood up.

"Naw bae, Sit down" He sat back down.

"So she told me.." I sat down on his lap. "She told me that she hired Juliana to break us up and distract you. "

"Are you serious?" he was shocked.

"Yea..and it gets worse, Anthony was her pimp." Tyrells mouth dropped. "Yep so she sold her body to pay Juliana, and when she saw me and Anthony together she left a note warning me to stay away."

"Wowww man..So what happened to juliana?"

"I don't know she just said she's gone."

"And I hope her ass don't comeback, I don't want that girl round us."

"I know babe." I started rubbing his cheek.

"I love you a lot Chey." He said looking in my eyes.

"I love you more baby" Kissing him.

His lips tasted so good...holy shit.

"Good! But here I brought your ass some food" He opened up the bag and we ate.


"So the body's gone?" I asked Manny. We were on the phone.

"Yeaa and we looked for any like cameras and shit so you're good!"

"Oh my gosh! Thanks so much Manny. So wait what happened to Anthony?"

" He got locked up"

"....For what?"

"For stabbing Cheyenne?"

"OMG IS WHAT HIM THAT DID IT? oh my gosh, oh my gosh ! I thought it was someone else... NO WONDER WHY.. OMG"

"No wonder what?"

"Nothing I gotta go. " I hung up and began crying in my bed.

No wonder why she was so mad.

I got up, going into my fridge grabbing a beer.

In the matter of two minutes I got up to get another one, and two beers became three, and three became four, and four became five.

I knocked out.

Undefined Love. (BOOK #1/ COMPLETED) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now