Chapter 27 - Two Gods

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I swung my sword at the nearest Demon, splitting his torso from his legs. There was something special about the metal of the weapon, as if Godly Gold, which I've taken to calling it, was deadlier than ordinary mortal steel. While the advisors that surrounded me struggled to have their blades do any damage to the Demons, my sword was doing a marginally better job at keeping the horde at bay.

The situation was worse than we imagined when we returned to the castle. Deciding to split up, Elio went straight for the hatchery while I searched for the rest of the Cinian royal family. What I found instead could only be described as a bloodbath.

It turned out that I had been right about Elio's family being involved with the Demons. How else could they have gotten into the castle and had a civil audience with the king before ripping his throat out? The other princes were present, no doubt listening in on whatever alliance their father was proposing. One of them was even still holding his pen to take notes when his heart was ripped out of his chest. The queen was seated peacefully, save for the unnatural angle her head was bent at before she lost her life.

My hands went to my mouth in horror. It wasn't the first time that I wished Damon was here with me. I'd at least have a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on. But instead, I was alone with fate and the quest my God had sent me on.

A wave of guilt washed over me. I was supposed to have prevented this. It had been my duty to rid this land of Demons, but I hadn't acted fast enough, leaving Cinervel's only royal family in ruins. What good was I if everyone was dead already?

But I couldn't wallow in self-pity for long. The screams that pierced my ears told me that there were more innocent people throughout the castle who needed my help.

My father's men were helping the advisors fight back the horde, trying to cut off the Demons' wings and throw them out the windows. The solution was temporary, and effective until the appendages grew back. Even the most seasoned soldiers were appalled by how invincible the creatures were. But still, we persisted.

Switching strategies, the soldiers decided to dismember the Demons and lock their body parts in different rooms and boxes. We realized it was most effective to slice them in half since we noticed that it halted their body's regeneration process. Yet I wished we had thought of the solution sooner. Already, half of the soldiers that my father sent were dead, their lives exchanged for the price of mine.

My eyes burned with unshed tears. No matter how hard we fought, the Demons never seemed to tire out. There were less of them, but they were twice as ferocious.

Whichever God created Demons, hated humans.

The thought sprang up as I sliced through my fifth Demon. It was unlikely that the infernal army came to life on its own. Just as Anhel created all mortals, someone constructed all Demons.

After all, I was able to create an Angel.

Carmine fought beside me, mimicking my stance as he sliced through Demons with a steel sword. Despite being only a few days old, he showed the same amount of skill as a warrior who trained for years. There was also the additional benefit of his presence confusing the Demons. Despite the lack of horns and feathered wings, they looked at him as if he was supposed to be one of them, adding to my suspicion that someone high above had created them.

My Angel fought with the might of ten men, relieving the soldiers of the burden of protecting me. We were culling their numbers, soaking the floor with pools of silver blood and copper skin. The way everything glittered was surreal, making even the harsh violence seem beautiful. But maybe that was because of the way my blood was singing since I was no longer restrained by moral qualms as I finally satiated my urge to kill indiscriminately. Despite all the dead bodies on the floor, I realized that I felt grateful for the blessings that my God gave me. After living my entire life living under the burden of my father's power and my mother's beauty, I was finally cementing a legacy of my own. Who else in my bloodline could say they've done the things I have, dead or alive?

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