Chapter 2: New friends

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Julia felt a little better now that she made a new friend at this school. She was nervous, so having a friend was nice. "So tell me" Chris said. They were taking a tour around the school. " what was your old school like?" "Well" said Julia. " it was a huge school, it had lots of different floors. It was sometimes hard to get to different classes in a certain amount of time. But the best thing was that we had different extra curriculum classes. We got to choose which one we wanted to learn for the semester and then we got to change the class for the second semester. I had a few friends. They were really nice." " oh wow!" Chris exclaimed. " your old school sounds pretty neat. Like I said, i've only been here for a day but I already had a tour of this place and I really like it." That's great." Julia said looking down at her feet. "I'm glad that we can be friends. I really like having friends, especially in times like this" "me too!" Chris said. "Maybe you can come over to my house on Saturday and we can hang out." I would love to!" Julia said. "I'll have to ask my parents but if I can get your number, I'm sure I can make it." Sure thing" Chris said. Julia got Chris's number and then the bell rang for lunch.
Chris and Julia sat at the table in the middle of the cafeteria. "Oh look" Maddox snarled. "It's the two twats sitting alone. How sad" "Leave us alone Maddox" Chris yelled. "Oh yeah scum?" Maddox asked "what are you gonna do? Throw a book at my head with those huge glasses?" Maddox asked sarcastically. Jane was behind him and cackled. Chris wore large, round glasses because he couldn't see well. Julia felt her fist tighten but she took a deep breath instead. "Just go away Maddox! Nobody cares." Julia said. "Maddox grumbled and walked away. The bell rung to go to class.

"Thanks for sticking up for me back there." Julia said politely. "I don't handle bullying very well." "You're welcome" Chris said. "I don't handle bullying well either but I couldn't just let Maddox be rude to you like that." Chris and Julia walked into there next class. It was physics and Chris was terrible at physics. Then physics class was over and everybody was dismissed to go home. Of course all the mean kids rode on the same bus, so they caused a lot of trouble for the other kids. " all right, i'll see you tomorrow!" Said Julia cheerfully. "Catch ya later!" Chris replied as he got on his bus. Julia walked to her mom's car, very excited to tell her mom about her day at school. "Hey honey" Julia's mom said. " how was the first day at your new school?" "Oh it was great!" Julia said excitedly. " I got a tour of the school, all my teachers were nice, and I even made a new friend. His name is Chris." I'm glad to hear you had a good day!" Julia's mom exclaimed. "Why don't you tell me more about your day during dinner?"

The new kidsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें