Chapter 3: The exciting weekend

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The rest of the week at Julia's new school was really fun. But what Julia was most excited for was her plans with Chris. She had asked her parents and they said yes. " my parents said I could come!" Julia texted Chris " i'm so excited." " me too." Chris replied. " my parents also agreed" Saturday morning came around and Julia couldn't wait to get going. "Can we go now?" Julia asked her mom repeatedly. " sweetheart, you have to wait a little while. I know you're excited but your father and I have other things to do first." Finally around 2 o'clock, Julia and her mom got in the car to drive to Chris's house. " i'd like to speak with his mom first." Julia's mom told Julia. " I want to make sure he's a nice boy." " OK, that's fine. Just don't embarrass me, please!" Julia's mom laughed as they went inside. "Hi, i'm Shannon, Chris's mom. You must be Julia's mom. Chris talks about your daughter a lot." Chris's mom said with a smile. " Hi, i'm Tina, I'm Julia's mom. It's so nice to finally meet you." " you too." Shannon replied. "Alright" said Julia's mom. " i'll be back at 6:30 to pick Julia up." Then she turned To Julia. "You be good, OK?" They seem like very nice people." Don't worry mom, i'll be good. I'll text you if I need anything." Julia said. Julia's mom left closing the door behind her. Chris came down a minute later. " hi Julia!" Chris exclaimed. "I was really excited to see you." I was thinking we could go on a walk. I wanted to show me the area I live around. It's pretty nice." " OK, sounds good to me." So the two of them headed off down the sidewalk. After about 10 minutes of walking, Julia finally spoke. " it's really nice around here. I really enjoy nature so this area seems pretty nice and cozy. It almost looks like the area around our school." " I suppose it does." Chris replied. " my family and I moved up here a week ago so I've had lots of time to explore. I found plenty of animals. I found squirrels, birds, and I even saw a few deer." "Aw man!" Julia said. " I love animals." "You should come exploring with me and my family sometime." Chris said. " we go once a week and we see lots of cool things." " that sounds really cool!" Julia smiled. I'll ask my parents.

When Julia and Chris got back to the house, food was waiting for them. " how was the walk Guys?" Shannon asked. "Oh it was great!" Julia said. "I was telling Chris how much I like nature, so this area seems pretty nice to live around." " yeah, mom. I told Julia how we go animal exploring every week." Chris added. "Actually, I was wondering if Julia could come with us when we go animal exploring." " I don't see why not." Chris's mom said. "We could always use one extra person. Julia will have to ask her mom first though." Oh I will!" Julia said. " my parents like that I enjoy going on adventures, so hopefully they agree."

At 6:30, Julia's mom came to pick her up. " how was your day with Chris?" Julia's mom asked. " Great!" Julia replied. We went on a walk and we saw lots of cool things. Chris says that him and his family do animal exploring once a week so I was wondering if I could go with them the next time they do." "That seems OK." Julia's mom replied.

When Julia got home, she got a text from Chris. " Hey, so I just found out we are going animal exploring tomorrow, so if your mom said yes, then you can come." The text read. " awesome!" Julia replied. I asked my mom and she said yes so I'll see you then"

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