Chapter 1: a boring day

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There once was a city that was near a forest. While the city was small, there was still lots to do. There were a few shops, and a playground for smaller children to play. And of course there was the City Hall. But in the middle of it all was a school in the middle of a forest. This school wasn't very big but it had enough. And of course, you had your typical groups of kids. The sports kids who were very dedicated to what they played. There were the weird kids who no one wanted to hang out with and they ALWAYS got bullied no matter what they did. Lastly, there were the popular kids. They were the ones who didn't let anyone stand in their way and they were quite mean. Nobody likes them. Often, these popular kids left somebody crying at the end of the day and they often got in trouble for mocking people. And there was one procedure the popular kids always went through when there was a new kid. They would come up to the new kid and examine them, to see if they were cool or lame. The popular kids were all in a group. Their were 6 of them. Brinnley, Jane, Katie, Maddox, Jackson, and Gianna. Brinnley was the leader, of course and the meanest of all. She often would pick the gangs victims for them to bully. Gianna was Brinkley's best friend and they were like sisters. They did everything together. Jane and Katie were sisters so of course they had to be in the group together. Jackson was Katie's boyfriend and Maddox was Brinnley's boyfriend.  That was the squad and they were BRUTAL together. The school ran its normal routine until one day.

It was another regular day at school and Brinnley and Gianna were in Science class. Brinnley thought it was pretty boring and she just wanted to go to lunch and see Maddox. Then Principal Mathews walked in the classroom. "Hello class" said.  "Today we have a new student. Her name is Julia. Please make sure to be respectful. Brinnley scoffed. "Gianna look!" Brinnley snarled. "There's a new kid. This is gonna be fun." Gianna chuckled. "You can sit anywhere you'd like" principle Mathews said to Julia. She looked a little scared. C-can I sit with you guys please?" Julia asked Gianna in a shy voice. "Get lost scum!" Brinnley said. Gianna laughed as Julia walked away, sad. Brinnley and Gianna, One more remark like that and I'm sending you  principal Mathews" the teacher said sternly. "You can sit with me." A boy said gently to Julia. He was another new kid. Julia took her seat next to the boy. " Hi, I'm Chris." Said the boy. "Don't mind them. I came here yesterday for the first time and they were extremely rude to me." Julia smiled. "Thanks" she said "I'm nervous about being here." Me too" said Chris "don't worry,  we'll help each other around here."

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