POV Jungkook

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He slammed his fist hard into the wall. Fuck Jungkook this time you screwed up to the fullest. He turned and froze when he saw your cardigan on the floor. He lifted it off the floor and placed it on the piano. Turning, he left the room heading home. All day he spent in bed staring at your number, and thinking whether you should write or not.
The next morning he rode to your house as usual. Leaving the motorcycle nearby, he leaned against your car, waiting for you.
“I told you that you not need wait for me in the morning anymore ” your voice made him lift his head up the stairs on which you stood.
He smiled at you “I know. Will you drive me to university?“ He winked at you
"I’m sorry, what?” you looked at him with surprise
“Come on, let’s go,” he walked around the car going up to the passenger door. “Tick-tock, we’ll be late if you keep standing there,” he indicated his watch
“You’re incredible.” You rolled your eyes as you unblock it. He chuckled as he got into the car.
“Wait. You’re not going to drive in those shoes, are you? Oh my… ”  He turned sharply to the window as your ass was up while you were looking for something in the back seat. God give him strength, he thought, clutching his phone in his hand.
“Yeah, I found it,” she said, sitting down in her seat with sneakers in her hands. You changed your shoes “Is that better, Mr. I'mAfraidOfGirlsInStilettos?” you asked, pointing at him the shoes that were in your hand.
"Much” he said, taking the shoes from your hands. “Let’s go, we’re late.”
“Nerd,” you muttered when you drove out onto the road.
“Cutie,” he replied looking forward, making his face as calm as possible.
“What’s wrong with my eyes?” Taehyung asked from the hood of his car as the two of you got out of your car. “And when did you manage to become such friends?”
“We had a nice conversation,” he said, greeting Taehyung as you walked forward without waiting for them.
“Oh, I heard. It seems your ‘cute conversation’ ended with ten empty bottles of soju, my dear friend.” Taehyung laughed, hugging his shoulders.
“Hyung, don’t talk about alcohol, I still feel sick of the amount I drink.”
“So … does 'your girlfriend’ still get angry when she sees you?” Taehyung asked in a cheerful tone
“My girlfriend?” he asked and Taehyung smiled pointing at you. He laughed “Still angry, but no longer threatening to kill me.”
“I would call it progress” smiled Taehyung “See you later” Taehyung patted him on the shoulder before running towards you.
After class, he went up to the roof to clear his head. But he didn’t expect you to be here. And why did you love to lie here so much? He pondered watching you. He lay down next to you, finding himself face to face with you when you turned your head in his direction. You lay with your eyes closed listening to music, not even suspecting that he was there. He chuckled, closing his eyes.
“Why are you lying here?” he opened his eyes meeting your gaze
“I wanted to understand why you like lying here so much” he smiled at you
“And how? Did you understand?” You asked turning on your side, resting your head on your hand
“Not yet.” He closed his eyes again, turning his head up. You were too close. He was afraid to make a mistake again, afraid that you would run away from him.
“Come on” he heard the thump of heels next to his head. He opened his eyes and you were standing over him. He smiled as he moved, he laid his head on your foot. “Are you comfortable?” you raised an eyebrow
“Quite. Where do you want to go?“
“Personally, I’m going home. And if you don’t need a ride to your motorcycle, which is near my house, then you can continue to lie here and cognize all the delights of this place ”
“I choose - to cognize all the delights of this place,” he replied, closing his eyes.

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