Chapter Nineteen

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Grian sighed quietly and sat on the couch again preening his wings before opening his comms.

<Grian> I'll be you know where if you need me

<PearlescentMoon> Where?

<Grian> the place that must not be named

<GoodTImeWithScar> Oh! Okay!

<XisumaVoid> What are you talking about?

<SolidarityGaming> Yeah what?

<Grian> Nothing!

<PearlescentMoon> nothing at all

He laughed as every hermit and Martyn told Xisuma and Jimmy not to worry about the place that shall not be named before he flew off to the cave and dove passed the dark entrance. As he closed the distance to the ancient city, he could feel the sculk spread on his body. He shuddered and landed looking at the patches.

"Why are you growing....this is concerning but not as concerning as the Watchers....." He muttered and walked to his stall grabbing items from his shulker piling them into the barrels humming. He kept thinking of any reason why this biome's adaptation is growing worse and wondered if Mother Spore would have the same characteristic. He decided to go check it out later.

He checked the other hermit's stalls, checking their stock and the prices before messaging the respective hermit's that they needed to restock until he felt the odd presence of the Listener. He looked around sighing, "You really want to scare me, don't you? Martyn that isn't fair!" He groaned laughing. The feeling immediately faded away and laughter could be heard near the entrance of the tunnel.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!" Martyn snorted and walked over holding a lantern. "I came by to check on you...I know being here doesn't feel right with the sculk growing..."

"Thanks....yeah its uh...its concerning...." Grian nodded with a small frown. "Though it gave me a Mother Spore getting worse?"

"I do not want to think about that....but should we check?" Martyn asked circling Grian to check the sculk's progression asking Grian to unfurl his wings to see better.

Grian, thankful for someone else there and another pair of eyes, did so without argument. "I's better safe than sorry...." He murmured and stretched when Martyn was in front of him again.

"Wanna do it now? Better than later I guess..."

Grian nodded and they walked out. Martyn watched in fascination again as Grian's appearance reverted to normal and the pep in his step returned. "Where is the nearest mycelium isle?" He asked snuffing the lantern out.

"Uhhhhhh" Grian murmured spinning in circling looking around. Martyn laughed and shook his head at the forgetful bird and opened his comms.

<InTheLittleWood> X. where's a mycelium isle? You explore the most here

<XisumaVoid> it's a bit far

Xisuma proceeded to give coordinates and the two set off after Grian made Martyn check if he had enough food, rockets, and durability on his elytra.

They flew in circles of each other talking on the way, reminiscing on the days of Evo...which was surprising for Martyn since Grian started the conversation. He didn't expect it from Grian but it made him smile.

Grian grew a bit anxious as they saw the mushrooms in the distance, but continued towards it. "We can circle a few times if you're uncomfortable," Martyn said glancing over him at the avian, who shook his head. "I gotta be sure...who knows what will happen if the watchers pay a visit and I'm in one of these biomes....since things change while I'm there..."

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