Chapter Three

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"That's weird." Grian nodded and groaned. "It's not all bad shortie. You're still taller than some of the other hermits." Scar clapped his hand on Grian's shoulder.

"Says the Vex." Grian pointed out before looking at the time. "I have to meet up with Ren and Doc. Then I gotta build that expansion." He said and left rather quickly since he was late.

<Grian> Sorry Doc, Ren. Just woke up! OMW

He messaged as he ran off. Another few hours and he should be able to fly there. Before he had left, Scar had pointed out that his wings were full-sized but still getting his new feathers. It made him confused but also made him realize that he had to change into a shirt that was made for them so they wouldn't be cramped. He'd have to talk to Xisuma again to see why it was happening even quicker than it was supposed to. He hoped it wasn't because of his time in the academy. Watcher stuff is weird man.

<Renthedog> it's good mate were still here

<Docm77> ren came here late so all good

<Renthedog> no! I was on time

Grian looked at the messages and laughed. "Why do I feel like a parent here..." He murmured to himself and continued running. He skidded into Doc's shop, sliding due to the slippery quartz floor and falling on his face.

Doc and Ren jumped and went over to him as he started getting off the ground with the small amount of dignity he had left. "Hey man, you oh-" Ren asked and tilted his head. "Hm?" Grian looked at him before getting to his feet, his wings fluffing up for a bit until they folded against his back.

"Oh. Yeah. You're one of the people I didn't tell or who haven't figured it out." He said once he realized Ren was staring at his wings.

"Pearl updated me about that, but didn't Xisuma say a few days? Not two?" Doc asked after explaining to Ren the whole avian thing. "Yeah. That's what he said but it was happening a lot faster after that than I woke up this morning and well..." Grian lifted a claw and flexed his talons.

"You are a special type, Grian." Ren chuckled and stretched. "Yeah...and I don't know why." Grian nodded and they started heading out.

"So today we gotta finish up the whole path around here and then gather things for other shops to finish the quest False gave us right?" Ren asked, looking at the letter False had given him.

"Yeah, then we can get our netherite stuff back. Little sneak." Doc nodded and stretched. "I mean we did...kinda made a series of pranks into one that made her lose all 54 levels." Grian chided, shrugging and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah...we did do that." Ren nodded and huffed before they started getting ready. They decided to get a checklist of everything the other hermits sold in their shops and split up to gather them. Grian's eyes hurt with reading what he wrote over and over to make sure he had everything that he needed to collect. He didn't want to read another thing for a while.

After cross-referencing with the others he was the first to fly off. "Grian's okay right?" Ren asked, watching him go. "He seems better than before. More upbeat like normal, he just uhm... he seems a bit off. Something is going through our pesky bird's mind." Doc shrugged and they split up.

Grian, Ren, and Doc had an inventory full of shulkers full of all of the blocks the shops needed when they met back up really late in the night. They created the largest chest monster in the centre of the shopping district before just plopping on the ground groaning in exhaustion.

"That sucked!" Grian yawned and rubbed his eyes. His body felt heavy.

"Yeah, man." Ren agreed and leaned against one of the boxes looking at them.

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