Chapter 2: Unexpected Faces

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Loki stood where he was, dumbstruck by what he was witnessing. He was in the middle of a Midgardian airport and in the distance he could see some very familiar faces. Captain America (Steve Rogers) on one side with a very nostalgic guy, Clint Barton were standing alongside a guy with wings on his back (a ridiculous look, Loki thought), a dude with a freaking metal arm, a guy dressed in a strange armour with a helmet, and a young girl in a red outfit with long brown hair. Something about the girl triggered a strange feeling in Loki, as she had a magic-like aura surrounding her. All of them were standing in opposition to Tony Stark, Agent Romanoff, a man wearing a gray Iron Man armour, a dude dressed in an all-black costume, a floating dude who had, Loki thought, seriously copied Thor's costume, and for some godsforsaken reason, there was even a kid dressed in a red-and-blue costume with spider-like powers. The most confusing thing? The floating guy had the Mind Stone in his forehead!

Utterly confused, he was contemplating as to what to do when all of a sudden all of these extremely self-righteous heroes began fighting each other! Loki didn't dare go near them, but couldn't help wonder why his brother and that absolutely nightmarish Hulk weren't there. Anyway, his main focus was on the girl and the guy with the Mind Stone, whom he figured was a synthezoid. The girl had magic very similar to Loki's, except it was red. Then out of nowhere, Tony began shooting tiny yet quite powerful missiles from his armour, and Loki noticed that the girl was struggling to keep up. He didn't know why, but he used his teleportation to use a large metal scrap to cover the girl. Maybe it was because she could help him in some way to warn these bozos that there was a much severe threat out there than these guys beating each other up. She was shocked and confused to see green magic protecting her, when Loki waved to her. She slid towards him and stared at him, "Wha- Who are you? Wait-" Loki fiercely threw back his arm, causing that metal to hit Tony hard, "I'm Loki, you may have heard of me." The girl's jaw dropped, "You're Loki?! As in the Battle-of-New-York-Loki?" Loki ducked, as Tony blew up the metal to pieces, "Ah, yes, fame. But apart from that I did bring the Mind Stone to Midgard, so I'd like to know who is that synthezoid. Also, what's your name?" The girl replied, "Wanda Maximoff. That synthezoid is Vision, and the Mind Stone is his lifeline." She frowned, "Why did you save me?"

Before Loki could reply, Tony announced, most likely in his earpiece, "Guys, Maximoff is attacking with green magic." From some distance away, Vision the synthezoid (who was on Tony's team) tilted his head, "She has red magic only. Someone else must be in the vicinity." Loki raised an eye brow, "He sounds awfully like J.A.R.V.I.S." Wanda answered, "He is J.A.R.V.I.S. But why did you save me?" Loki replied, "I'm not sure if you're aware, but the Multiverse has split open. It is somewhat my fault. Basically, me and my female variant called Sylvie had confronted the man controlling all of reality, He Who Remains, and he had somehow managed to convince Sylvie into killing him and causing the whole flow of timeline breaking apart, causing infinite number of realities to branch out and overall cause a Mutiversal War between He Who Remains' variants. And you... You're unique. You have potential and capability, and I am quite sure He Who Remains' variants are going to target you as their next victim."

Wanda stared at him as if he was a complete psycho, "You- Wha- Multiverse?" Suddenly they heard Clint's voice yelling, "Guys, has anyone seen Wanda?" Steve, who was fighting the spider kid, replied, "Didn't Tony say she was using green magic?" Tony replied groaning, "I saw green wiggly woos as Wanda disappeared." Wanda wanted to rush to them, but Loki was adamant, "Wanda, please. You have the trust me. I know I've been horrible to mortals but this time I swear I'm not lying." Now Wanda was in a mess. Her gut was saying that Loki wasn't lying despite being the God of Lies because there was sincere fright on his face, but then her mind was telling her to go to Clint. Before she could decide, however, she heard a very familiar voice say, "Wanda? Where are you?" Her face turned into pure shock. Pietro?

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