The rules were way stricter when he was small, however, once he turned 13, his grandparents allowed him to spend time outside, letting him roam the streets and waste his time however he wanted -as long as he wasn't staining their name and he didn't bother them. During those times was when he ventured around and found a big house, filled with kids of all ages. He didn't know how to read, but if he did then he would have noticed the sign on which was written "St. Francis Orphanage". That orphanage was where he found a boy three years younger than him. His name was Lucius.

They quickly became friends, Cyrus breaking into the orphanage's yard every single day just to play and spend time with Lucius. He was his first friend and they were basically inseparable. Lucius was more his family than his grandparents ever were.

He found out that the boy's parents had died when he was just an infant, so he didn't remember them at all. Then, he was brought into this orphanage, where he spent all of his life.

Cyrus had a quick temper and usually didn't think before doing something. Lucius was quick witted and stopped Cyrus from doing stupid things. They bickered and argued a lot, but they both knew they were just joking. They truly were half of each other, feeling as if their souls were connected by a higher force.

As much as Lucius helped Cyrus's life become more bearable, his grandparents continued to make his life a living hell. That was until they both left for a day for some important business, locking Cyrus in the basement. The boy had found a piece of wire and he managed to unlock the door. As he stepped outside of the basement and his eyes landed on the box of matches left on the table, only one thought ran through his mind: revenge.

He burnt down their house. And, as he sat cross-legged on the road in front of it, watching the red flames completely engulf the house, he felt no remorse at all. People desperately tried to put out the flames, but it was too late. When his grandparents returned and saw that their house was completely gone, they almost went mad. Cyrus simply stared and smiled at them, until they realized what -or who- the source of the fire was.

That was all it took for them to throw Cyrus into the orphanage and move far, far away, completely abandoning him -not that he minded. That was how he ended up in the same orphanage as Lucius, spending everyday together and feeling happy for the first time. Lucius was all the family he needed. And the same went for Lucius.

Unfortunately, as Cyrus was three years older, he turned eighteen first, being released from the orphanage. On the day he left, Lucius cried in his arms, his entire body shaking with fear of being abandoned by the only family he had left. By his dearest friend.

"I'll wait for you. I'll work hard, and, in three years, when you'll finally get out of here, I'll be waiting for you in a house that I built with my own two hands. Our house. I'm not leaving you, you fucking idiot," he promised, laughing and ruffling Lucius's hair.

And, just like he had promised, only two days after he came out of the orphanage Cyrus found a job, working hard, visiting Lucius almost every single day, no matter how exhausted he was. For three years, he worked and worked, slowly but surely building a small and modest house.

On the day Lucius turned eighteen, Cyrus came first thing in the morning to the orphanage, finally bringing Lucius home. Life was finally starting to look up, their hearts filled with happiness and warmth as they had finally managed to create their own family, living in a home filled with nothing but love.

However, one unfortunate night, Lucius was sitting on the small patio in a rocking chair while Cyrus was sitting inside by the fireplace. Suddenly, Cyrus heard a loud noise from outside, followed by a small, almost unhearable yelp from Lucius.

"Lucius?" Cyrus asked, his voice filled with concern as a bad filling grew in his stomach.

Before he could get up from where he was sitting and go see if Lucius was ok, a figure burst through the door. Cyrus didn't even get the chance to fight back as the figure moved towards him with uncanny speed, sinking its teeth into his throat. As he fell to the floor, a pool of his own blood forming underneath him, the last thing he saw was Lucius's bloody body laying on the patio. Then, darkness took over and he thought he had died.

But he didn't.

He kept coming in and out of consciousness. The first time he woke up, his entire body was burning with pain. He immediately passed out again. When he woke up again, the pain was still unbearable, but he managed to stay conscious long enough to notice that Lucius was laying next to him and that another person was in the room with them, feeding his friend something with a spoon. The next times he woke up, that person was still standing next to them, seemingly taking care of them. All Cyrus could remember were the red and black eyes of the person taking care of them.

After what seemed like endless days of unbearable pain, Cyrus and Lucius had finally woken up. They instantly felt that something was... Different. That was also when they met the person that had been taking care of them. Reia.

Both of them were still too weak to fight him or try to get answers out of him, but, surprisingly, Reia willingly offered them the answers they were seeking. "My name is Reia. I'm a vampire," he started explaining, making both Lucius and Cyrus tense up, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place in their minds. Or so they thought. "I wasn't the one that bit you," Reia said. "The vampire that bit you has been killing humans all around the kingdom. I was following him, trying to catch and stop him, but I got here too late," he finished explaining.

From that day on, Reia took care of Cyrus and Lucius, helping them learn how to control their powers without going feral. Quickly, Reia had become a part of their family. He fit perfectly with them, the three vampires completing each other.

To be continued...

Hi! This chapter was Lucius and Cyrus's backstory<3 In the next chapter we'll go back to present time.

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