Cruel Intentions

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"What's that?" I asked, eyeing the stack of papers warily. My breathing coming out in short pants from running all the way to his office just so I didn't make him wait and add to my punishment.

"Homework." Was his curt answer.

I blinked, rearing back. "B-but you already gave us homework in class."

Dark eyes pinned me from across the desk, narrowing, making me go rigid at the sole center of his demanding attention. My skin still itched in places, but I dared not give in to the urge before him. "You will turn it in by seven tomorrow."

"Pm?" I asked, hope lacing my voice.

"Am," he gritted out.

I felt my stomach dropping. "But... I don't have any classes tomorrow."

"So?" He arched a thick, dark, perfect eyebrow.

"It's a lot, Professor," I protested, desperation creeping into my system against my better judgement. I had a couple of tests coming the day after.

Cold, brooding anger flashed across his features. "Are you denying me?"

"No." I shook my head. "No. Not at all. I just... don't know if I can finish it... on time."

He leaned back into his spot, the chair groaning under his weight. A challenging glint played in the depth of his sinister gaze, and fiendish mischief gleamed behind his lips. "If you can't, then don't bother showing up in my class ever again."

My eyes widened in shock, the bomb finally dropping. That's what he had been aiming at all this time. He wanted me out of his class, and I handed him the perfect opportunity in silver platter. How could I be so stupid?

But he was wrong about me because I wasn't going to give up. I never did. "I'll do it."


Collecting the papers and coming out of his office, I found the girls waiting on me and had to ease the rising panic off of my face. However, Talia did no such thing as she ran to me upon noticing.

"What happened? What did he say?" she asked, sounding out of breath, her eyes unknowingly scanning over my body.

Reaching us, Samara lifted her hand, whacking Talia across the head.

She winced, glaring at her while rubbing the back of her head. "What the hell, Sam!"

"Knocked some sense into you as requested," she smirked, winking at me. "Are you good? Or do I get to land another?"

Despite the tension waving through my body, I laughed. So did Talia, realizing her mistake.

"I'm good, but I'll get you for that. Keep an eye open," she threatened playfully, and Samara feigned fear, putting a hand over her chest.

Once the frisky moment died, Talia's inquiring gaze found me again, so I said, "It's nothing. He just gave me extra homework."

Samara gasped while Talia frowned. "Why?"

"A little payback for the trouble I caused him I guess."

"Regarding the picture? But it wasn't your fault."

I shrugged, feeling guilty for hiding things from my friends.

"Do you need help finishing it?"

I smiled, shaking my head. "No, it's okay. I can do it by myself."

"Okay, but call us if you need help," Talia insisted, and Sam nodded reluctantly.

Regardless of my friends' insistence, I never once called them. I wanted to. so many times. But the clock read 1 in the morning or 2 or 2:30, and I couldn't get myself to disturb their sleep.

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