(BPJ-D Deckard) Lonely Together

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I finished the show yesterday and all I can say is I wanna hear Shadowmaru whimper and moan right in my ear what anyways this takes place during ep 40

I wrote this at 2 A.M.💀

Everyone in the Brave Police department had been asleep for 6 months. Except for the humans, obviously. With time, all the units woke-up from their long naps either one after the other or separately. Y/n was overjoyed to see Deckard emerge from the side room he was held in.

Commissioner Saejima, Yuuta and Mr.Toudou gathered all the units in the Deckard Room around the big screen tv to catch up on what's been going on with Japan. The team was surprised to learn that they could do whatever they wanted, afterwards.

The next day, everyone began to plan what they were gonna do. Dumpson was gonna be Ayako's manager, McCrane was invited to join the Defense Forces, Drill Boy was going to play soccer in Brazil, Gunmax was going to L.A., Duke went back to the U.K., Shadow Maru was going to premiere on the big screen, and Power-Joe was gonna teach p.e. in Yuuta's school. Y/n hadn't recieved an offer to anything yet and they weren't looking forward to it. They had actually planned on staying with Deckard, not that they would admit it out loud. At least, not in front of the whole team.

Y/n had noticed how Deckard seemed saddened by the team splitting up to do their own things. He even said how he was going to stay in the Brave Police force. The shy bot smiled to themself from the back of the room, at Deckard's stubbornness.

Y/n stood hidden by the doorway to the Deckard Room that night. Deckard sat at his desk staring down at the phone awaiting for duty to call. Their heart ached seeing him in such a state. He wanted so badly to stay with the one thing he knew even if he had to do it by himself. Apart of Y/n wanted to walk in and comfort him, however another part of them knew it would be better to leave him alone for a while.

They longingly looked at Deckard hunched over his desk for a minute more before they walked through the dark hallway until they were outside. Y/n looked up at the stars in the sky and then transformed into their alt-mode to patrol the streets for hostile and suspicious activity.

When Y/n returned to the Deckard Room in the morning they found it deserted. The bot was confused and worried. First they had checked the repair stations- completely empty. Y/n's fear grew, and they raced to Yuuta's home where Deckard would hopefully be. Instead, the garage was filled to the brim with boxes big and small.

Y/n transformed to check the backyard to find no trace of the blue police unit. They muttered curses and transformed back into their alt-mode to find him. Where was Deckard? Was he alright? Did he get captured?

Questions zoomed through Y/n's processor as they raced through Nagasaki City. Rain punched at their metal and windshields. The bot swerved when they turned corners, which in turn almost hit a handful of people in their wake. They shouted a quick apology but never slowed down.
The bot had searched just about everywhere in the city and was worried out of their mind by the time they were driving to the outskirts of the city.

That's when Y/n thought of a place were Deckard would definately be, if he wasn't kidnapped. The bot drove as fast as they could to the warehouse which only took but a few minutes. When the warehouse was just within their field of view they transformed into robot mode and ran inside the building. Y/n cussed aloud when they accidentally entered the wrong room but when they finally found the main room, there he was. Deckard sat on the floor propped up against the wall staring at the ventilation shaft with his arm stretched out.

Y/n jogged up to the blue police unit and caught his limp servo in theirs. He looked up at them,


"Deckard!" They excitedly sighed. "I'm so glad I found you." Y/n put their free servo over his and held him in a firm grasp. They knelt down to his level and looked him in the optics,

"A-Are you hungry? Here, I have an extra can of gas on me." Y/n, reluctantly, let go of Deckard's hand and worked at a pocket attached to their hip, pulling out a green gas canister. They popped it open and held it out for him with a kind smile. Deckard looked relieved,

"Thank you, Y/n." He sighed. He raised the can up to his lips and drank it in big gulps. Y/n sat by his side on their knees with their servos in their lap. Unsurprisingly, Deckard polished the can off in a short duration of time. He set the empty can on the floor to the other side of himself. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Y/n lifted their head up at the attention, "Surely you have something else to do, with the Brave Police having disbanded."

"W-Well..." shit. Was this the right time to tell him? "No, I don't. I actually preferred to stay here," Y/n said.

"I don't see why you would want to. Not anymore, at least," said Deckard. Y/n's smile faded. "No one needs us anymore. Our time as the best police force in all of Japan is over." Y/n's digits twitched from their places. "I appreciate your help, Y/n. I really do. But there's a part of me that wishes you never found me."

Y/n threw their arms around Deckard's neck and hugged him close and tight, "Stop it! Please, Deckard, don't say things like that!" They pulled away and looked at him with teary optics, "I don't ever want you to die! No one does! Not Yuuta nor the whole team!" Deckard looked at Y/n in suprise. His mouth was open but words didn't come out, "I stayed because I love you." The bot cupped his face with their left servo.


"You don't have to reciprocate the feeling, I just-" Deckard's servo cupped the side of Y/n's face. He used his thumb to swipe away a tear that fell from their optic. He gave the bot a small smile,

"I'm sorry you had to see me in such a state of mind," he said.

"Don't worry about it, please. All that matters is that you're okay now." Y/n put their other servo on the other side of his face.

"But, I do feel the same way."

"Deckard..." cautiously, Y/n moved in closer. Deckard inched closer. Y/n eagerly closed the gap between the two of them. Kissing him was so blissful it felt like a dream. The bot moved away for a short moment then went back in for another short kiss.

Y/n rested their head on Deckard's chassis. "Never say you aren't needed, Deckard. As long as I'm here, I'll always need you." The blue police unit put one servo on their back and the other around their waist.

"Thank you, Y/n. I need you, too." Deckard put his head on theirs. They moved their head to look up at the blue bot,

"Would you like to explore the country with me, Deckard?" Y/n asked. "I've always wanted to see more of what Japan has to offer, but I didn't want to do it alone. It's fine if you don't want to. We can find something else to do!" Deckard's servo caressed their helmet,

"I'd love to, Y/n," he said. Y/n smiled and nuzzled into his metal plating.

1323 words

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