(TFA Blitzwing) Protection

451 11 14

Blitzwing/Reader (Highschool AU)

Reader is a little small, they come up to Prowl's shoulders. Decepticons are smaller to be around the same height as everyone else, but still bigger than the Autobots. Also, since I didn't wanna write about home life, there's gonna be dorms because idk I said so. Imagine it like Beastars?????

Y/n was held up against the wall by a hand wrapped around their throat. They stared at Starscream in terror. He grinned evily at the bot's reaction.

"W-What are you gonna to do me? Unless you're actually not planning on anything physical. That would be much more preferred. Actually-" y/n was cut off,

"SILENCE!" He shrieked at them. The bot immediately shut up. "You're so talktative. And annoying. Your voice grates at my audio receptors! In shutting you up for good, I'm doing everyone, but mostly myself, a favor." He said. Y/n swallowed, as they felt his hand leave their throat.

"Well, taping my intake shut isn't gonna do much is it? I can take it right off, no big deal! Say, I think all that popularity has gotten to your head. Ha! I've always wanted to say that to your dumb fa-!" They felt his hand return to their throat. But it went more in than previously had. As Starscream snapped his hand back, y/n felt lots pain course through their throat. They tried to scream, but not a single sound came out. They held their servos to cup their throat, which was leaking a fair bit of energon.

Starscream glared at the bot,

"I don't want to hear another word out of you, do you understand?" He asked. Y/n hurriedly nodded their head, looking up at him. "Good."
Starscream leaned down to the bot on their knees, "If you ever even think of mentioning this to anybot, I'll have your head." Starscream grabbed Y/n's head and slammed them into the ground. He got up and walked away, not daring to look back.

That was two years ago, now. Y/n used to be so outgoing, so courageous and able to take the fall in a sparkbeat. But then they retreated into their shell they had never dared to peek in, they became scared and skittish and for once they couldn't speak, the one thing they loved. Sure, Y/n could still write but it wasn't the same as voicing out their concerns and needs.

Starscream didn't leave them alone afterwards. He took advantage of Y/n and bullied them whenever he felt like it. He would often hurt them just to make him feel powerful and better about himself, or to take off stress of dealing with Megatron.

Just two years before, when Starscream first started hurting Y/n, the small bot found someone. Someone who they thought was possibly willing to help them.

The night was cold, slightly foggy, and very wet, as it had been raining all day. Y/n was leaning on a tree in the courtyard to balance themselves. They hurt an awful lot: their (color) armor had been dented and scratched, their olfactory sensor was bleeding, and they could barely keep their (color) optics open as they panted. After awhile, there was a larger figure in the distance.

Both of their optics met. Y/n saw the distant glow of red optics, one shaped like a triangle, and the other a circle. They didn't know how long they held the optic contact, but it seemed like forever.
The bot finally gave in to the coarsing pain in their side, sinking down farther. Before their optics closed, they saw the larger figure grow closer and closer to their weak form.

Y/n woke up in the infirmary of the school. They slowly sat up, admiring their armor with no scratches and dents. They felt much better. The small bot carefully slid out of the berth and made their way out and to their dorm. Y/n traversed through the empty hallways until they found the room they were looking for.

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