"Eh? My chakra threads got stuck on everyone!!" Sasori shocked with surprise and three of them were pretty pissed off from what Sasori did just now.

"Hey, what sort of grudge did you have against me?" The stitch man shouted with anger and an irk mark on his face.

"That really hurts. What are you planning to do?" the shark guy shouted and he was angry as well, too.

"Such behavior....." The pretty purple girl sighed and she was obviously so annoyed.

"I declared war!" Pein shouted grandly while me and Demi sweatdropped and anime fell. Are you serious? After a 'calm' morning and we'll be ended up getting killed to pieces? Oh hell to the NO.

"Hey hey, everyone's ready to go, huh?" Deidara asked relaxy while moulding his clay into a cute ghost-like clay.

"Interesting...." Sasori summoned the puppet of the Third Kezekage using his chakra thread/strings.

The shark guy's fist clapped and I knew that he was going to do his most powerful ninjutsu....

And sadly, to make the war worse, the gothic raven Uchiha guy butted the war as well...

If I don't stop them..... The gothic raven thought and he activated Makgyekko Sharingan like a car!

"Bleh...." The stitch guy blurred and hairs came out of his mouth... Gross.

The pretty purple girl turned into papers, getting ready for her next move.

And then. Unfortunately, everyone in the Akatsuki member moved at the same time.

"C3!" Deidara yelled and the ghost clay turned huge!

"Satetsu Kaiho!! (Iron Sand World Method)" Sasori shouted and loads of black steel came right to them!!

"Earth Grudge Fear: Gunfire Barrage!" The stitchy man shouted and a mask popped up beside his shoulder and throwed massive flames.

"Amaterasu!" The gothic raven guy shouted and I can sense a really massive dark chakra out from him!

"Water release: Great Shark Bullet Technique!" The shark guy shouted and a watery shark formed and Kami, his teeth were so damn huge and many!

"Dance of Shikigami!" The pretty purple girl shouted and beautiful paper wings formed at her back and she darted loads of sharp-edged paper towards other Akatsuki members.

"Almighty Push!" Pein shouted while, pushing his hands forward, as usual.

And that left Hidan, turned into his maniac form, made a Jashin circle and he was..... Poking himself with his scythe?

"Feels good..." Hidan calmed and Demi shouted,

"What the hell are you doing just by yourself?!" Demi sweatdropped and Hidan just took notice of us and he realized that all of the members were going to explode the base, so he shielded us just in time and an explosion boomed wildly and the base was crumbled to pieces.

And dead silence started.

But soon it broke when an angry voice shouted,

"Sasori, what in the world is happening?!"

Naruto's behind my wardrobe![DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now