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WED – 10/25

AFTER THE EVENTFUL EVENT last night, Paris is currently ranting in the group chat of how mad he is at his sister.

I try to ignore it, but with my phone in my pocket, it was really hard not to. I wince as it buzzes once more.

Paris, for the love of God, please just shut the fuck up and rant later on.

Our Calculus teacher, Mr. Reed, continues talking about the lesson, drawing out the equation on the chalkboard, and going through it step by step—which I'm grateful for since I was having a difficult time with that specific question. Meanwhile, my phone was buzzing like fucking crazy. I wasn't the only one either.

Jae pulls his phone out from his pocket and throws it into his backpack. "Does he have nothing better to do than rant like some guy gushing about their crush who held an eye contact less than a millisecond?" he grumbles and continues writing in his notebook.

I sit in my seat awkwardly as the phone keeps going off. I didn't want to take it out in risk of being caught, so I just sit there.

The silence in the classroom did not make the noise any quieter.

Mr. Reed turns around from the board and faces the class with a straight expression. "To whoever's phone that is currently buzzing like a lunatic, tell that person to shut the fuck up, or just silent your phone. Easy isn't it?"

My ears goes red. Jae leans toward my seat.

"Tell him to shut up, Archer," he mutters. "I'm going to bash his head during practice today if he doesn't and Mr. Reed finds out."

"What makes you think he won't catch me?" I whisper back.

Jae rolls his eyes and leans on his chair with his arms folded across his chest and his legs spread apart as he slides down the chair with a scowl on his face.

I reach into my pocket and set my phone on my thigh. Keeping my gaze steady on my notebook, I turn my phone on and put my notifications on silence before putting my phone away.

I quickly look up, expecting to see a glowering figure and sharp glare, but luckily Mr. Reed still has his back to us.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank fuck.

"Okay, so when you have—" Mr. Reed was cut off when the argument from the back of the room reaches to the entire room, making everyone go silent and turn their heads toward that direction.

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