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FRI – 10/20

IT WAS GETTING ON my nerves. Pre-calc, that is. I've been sitting here for a good five minutes and I already have plans to throw myself off a cliff and practically hope that when I wake up, letters and random symbols on math didn't exist.

I sigh and drop my head into my arms and stay there silently. I could hear the soft groans of other students suffering just like me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm smart, after all, I am the one who recieved the Honor Roll for Science-Engineering—but I'm slow to learn shit. If you teach me something complicated, it'll take me a whole two days to understand. Sometimes, I malfunction to a point I'll understand something completely irrelevant and stupid, but oddly useful a month later.

For example, the use of credit and debit cards hit me three months later after I learned the use and difference of it.

I know. What an idiot.

I groan and turn my head to the side to see my best friend, Aless, body quaking from the extensive pressure of pre-calc. How I passed Trigonometry and Algebra 2 is out of question. And since I was a junior—who started off with an earlier course during freshman year—I would take Calc next year.

I hated Geometry when I was younger, but I hated Trig and Algebra 2 more, but now? Now, I don't know what I hate more.

"Amaira," Aless sobs and turns her head to me. My mouth falls open in shock.

"Are you crying?" I ask, swallowing back a laugh. Aless blinks through her glistening tears and lifts her head from where she laid them down.

"Who wouldn't? Laiyana cried yesterday," she whispers over to me. I nearly choke at her response. I raise my brows questioningly. The edge of my lips twitches as a futile attempt to hide my smile.

Laiyana? The girl who gets 100 on all her assignments and tests? I wouldn't believe that, but who am I kidding. Everyone has boundaries.

I shake my head and put my head back down on the desk, and relished the coolness the desk radiated.

"If anyone needs help, call me over," Mrs. Bailey says to the class cheerfully. I lift my head slightly and rest my chin on the desk, my brows raised in a scowl.

It's fucking eight in the morning, how is she acting so happy when the entire class in suffering from lack of sleep, happiness, and braincells while trying to function the junk shit in front of our faces?

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