When Ino had come out of the restroom her and Sakura had taken a seat on the benches in the locker room. Anxiously they both looked at the tests Ino was holding.

Ino's leg was shaking and Sakura reached over and held her friend's free hand. She looked at Sakura who gave a small smile to her. "It'll be okay.. no matter the results." She said as Ino nodded

After the most important three minutes of their lives had passed, Ino's entire body stiffened. "Sakura...it's positive.." Ino spoke.

"Let me see." Sakura said leaning up taking a better look at the tests in her hand. Both of them showing two lines which definitely indicated a pregnancy.

"Sakura it was only a fucking week how did this happen so fast?"

"Ino.. it doesn't take long honestly... I mean you just caught it very early on."

"I can't be pregnant.. I just can't be.." Ino said. Sakura could tell her friend was beginning to spiral, her hands came up to her face as her shoulders began to shake, she was crying.. Sakura understood why, she was upset. But now she has to live and deal with it responsibly.

"You need to talk to your parents seriously Ino."

"I know that! But how exactly do I approach it? God I'm so fucking dead."


Sakura was cut off when the door to the locker room opened. Voices were heard and both Ino and Sakura jumped up. Ino quickly wiped her tears as Sakura snatched the tests from Ino's hands.

Looking at the girls who walked in, it was Akari and Akria along with Sage.

"Well look who we have here." Akari said as her sister smirked.

"How did you two get here so fast? Class just let out" Akira asked.

"Worry about yourself." Ino said rolling her eyes.

Sakura tried to push past them all to sneakily to throw the tests away but she ended up dropping one in the process.

"Fuck" Sakura said as she watched Sage bend down and pick up the test.

"Holy shit is that what I think it is?" Akari asked. Akira had taken out her phone and started recording, her camera pointed at the tests then to Sakura.

"You're pregnant?" Sage asked.

"No.. it's not mine." Sakura spoke.

"Is it yours?" The camera went to Ino as Akira asked and Ino shook her head, obviously lying.

"Then who's is it?" Sage asked squinting her eyes at Sakura. "This is yours..isn't it.." Sage said as Sakura narrowed her eyes.

"It's not mine.. We found it on the floor and I was going to throw it away... I have no reason to keep explaining myself to you." Sakura said trying to brush past them only to be pushed back.

"What the hell is your problem?" Ino asked walking up. "Let us by, you fucking weirdo's." Ino said snatching the test from Sage and grabbing Sakura's hand walking through the girls. She and Sakura threw the tests away on their way out, Sakura looked over her shoulder at Akira who was still recording while Sage had a nasty glare on her face.

"Those bitches always in someone else's business." Ino said still pulling Sakura. On their way out of the gym, they were met by Sasuke standing by the exit.

"I was just coming down for you.. is everything okay?" He asked as Sakura looked up at him.

"Um.. Yeah.. everything is fine. Ino is fine... right Ino?" Sakura asked as Ino nodded.

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