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Chat Noir: I'm omw over M'lady

Chat Noir: I have arrived and currently waiting for you to grace me with your presence

Chat Noir: LB?

Chat Noir: ...

Chat Noir: I've been waiting here for almost an hour, is everything okay?

Chat Noir: Ya know, this would be a great example on why we should know each other's identity

Chat Noir: ladybug?

Chat Noir: Okay, it's getting late, I have to go back home

Chat Noir: A bit upset, but it's fine. Just text me if you're okay at least?

Chat Noir: goodnight


Chat Noir: Ok. It's been all morning and there's still no word from you

Chat Noir: If this were a normal situation where we weren't miraculous holders, I'd have left it alone, but now I'm genuinely worried. You never do this

Chat Noir: Please tell me what's wrong.

Chat Noir: If I did something wrong, please let me know. I'm sorry

Chat Noir: Bug?

Chat Noir: ...

Chat Noir: Just send something. It could be just one letter for all I care

Chat Noir: I know you said to not use the call feature while we're not transformed but i don't care right now.

Chat Noir: Okay.. no answer

Chat Noir: Bug, please respond

Chat Noir: Please be okay

Adrien didn't know what to do or if he should do anything. He felt lost in a dark tunnel with no light at the end for a peek at the answers. This wasn't like Ladybug. She should never just leave him hanging. Even if she were mad at him and giving him the cold shoulder, she would at least let him know she was okay. She wasn't the kind of person to disappear and purposefully make people worried about her. Something was wrong.

But what could he do? He didn't know her identity. There was no way to check on her. They should've set up an emergency box with their addresses on it in case something like this happened.

Then again, maybe he was overthinking things. What if she simply broke her phone? Perhaps she was getting a new one at this moment.

That wouldn't make sense, though. Even with a broken phone, she would have met up with him and let him know. She shouldn't make him worry like this. But what could he do? If something had happened to her, he had no way of knowing or finding her. All he could do was wait a bit longer. He could give her until later today to bring him some form of communication. She knew where he lived, after all. Maybe it had something to do with whatever she wanted to tell him in person. It seemed pretty serious.

"Everything okay, dude?" Nino whispered over to him. They sat next to each other at the cafe with Alya across the table by herself on her phone.

Adrien merely pressed his lips together and subtly shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you later," Adrien whispered back, nudging his head toward Alya. It was probably not the best time to talk about his double life with his clueless fiance sitting across from them. Though, she seemed pretty distracted.

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