Where Glaciers Meet

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Paris at night was Adrien's favorite time to be within the suit of Chat Noir. The breeze was a perfect refreshing restart to a long day as it wisped through the strands of his blonde hair and glided against his leather suit. The moonlight was always such a stunning sight to see. The gleam was bright enough to enhance the glow of the city as well as the glimmering towers overseen by the horizons. The stars were gilded with shimmers and scintillating breaths as they rained down with nothing but a cool speckle of serenity and comfortable silence.

The night was an escape route for Adrien for a very long time. Now, it's a welcoming pastime.

So when Ladybug had texted him earlier to mysteriously meet up in the middle of the night, who was he to pass up such an opportunity? There was nothing that filled him with more serotonin than spending time with his favorite lady during his favorite time of day.

He hummed a familiar tune as he sat at the edge of the usual roof meeting spot and patiently waited for his partner to arrive. It wasn't unusual for her to be a few minutes late. However, this time he heard her foot pattern a few feet behind him. He was surprised she had arrived slightly earlier than she normally would join him.

"If it isn't my favorite lady," he gushed as he patted down at the spot next to him. "Come look. André Glacier is setting this couple up. I think they are skeptical of his matchmaking ways. How very wrong they are."

Ladybug sat beside him but seemed a bit stiff. She gave him a small smile before looking at where Chat had been pointing and nodded her head.

"Right. He's been trying to get those two together for some time now," she said. Her brows were lowered and the crease by the bridge of her nose was more defined.

She was chewing the corner of her lip again.

Chat's smile slowly faded. He knew that look all too well. "Is something bothering you?"

Her eyes gazed up at him unexpectedly and quickly looked away. There was definitely something off with her. Maybe she had a rough day? Maybe something was going on that she couldn't even tell him. His mind wandered to the countless possibilities that it could be. After all, she was the guardian. Her plate must be filled to the brim.

"If all it takes is to write you a song for you to want to see me, I'd have joint pain from playing every day," he teased as he nudged the side of her gently, hoping it would ease her at least a little.

Instead, her eyes widened with the slightest movement as she turned her head around to face him. "You wrote it for me ?"

Chat's heart faltered at the realization of what he had just said. He quickly looked away and started rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "O-oh, I mean, maybe. Psshh, it's no big deal. I totally write for everyone I know. Everyone gets their own concert from me. I'm just that good. You... totally weren't meant to know..."

Ladybug gazed at him, looking absolutely stunned. It wasn't his intention to have her find out that he wrote that song with her in mind. He knew she didn't return his feelings, so he didn't want to seem pushy or look like he was still actively trying to win her over. He knew better than to keep at it. All he wanted was for her to listen to it just to see if she liked it or if it was even her taste. That's all the purpose of the song was for; it was to make her happy.

At least she loosened up a little.

He wanted to desperately pry open her mind and know what she was thinking.

"I'm sorry," Chat said with a sigh.

He was half-expecting a sigh of disapproval from her, but then she started chucking softly to herself. This caused Chat to frown in confusion.

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