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Kitty Cat: So

Kitty Cat: Are we going to talk about this?

Kitty Cat: You kinda just left right after

Kitty Cat: Which is totally fine

Kitty Cat: You're probably confused right now

Kitty Cat: But um... I'm also very confused

"You're going to have to answer him at some point, Marinette," Alya said as she sipped on her coffee as the two sat down at a local cafe.

Marinette stared at her open phone on the table, acting as if the longer she looked at the texts, they would all magically disappear, and she'll wake up with the craziest hangover dream. She could barely sleep last night, and waking up to those messages was not a great way to start off her day and pretend like nothing had ever happened.

Why did she have to do that? What ran through her mind and told her that was the perfect time to kiss your partner who you've been rejecting for six years straight?

No, nothing went through her mind. That was the problem. Her mind was absent when her heart screamed and shouted. She should've known better. She should have waited until they had time to talk. Now, she had made things a hundred times more complicated than it already was and now Chat was also suffering because of it.

"If you run away from your problems, you're going to dig yourself into a deeper hole."

Marinette groaned. "I just can't face him, Alya. This is so embarrassing. Maybe I made a mistake. I shouldn't have acted so impulsively. Our partnership and friendship is in jeopardy now because of a stupid choice on my part," she said as she buried her face in her hands that were propped up by her elbows on the table.

Her best friend sighed. "Just pretend to be in his shoes for a moment. He's probably freaking out thinking you're avoiding him. Do you really think he is doing any better than you are right now?"

Despite Marinette trying to deny it, Alya was right. Chat must have been feeling terrible right now, and, once again, it was all her doing. She always seemed to mess things up when it came to her love life, and apparently, Chat Noir wasn't an exception.

She looked over at Alya and placed her hands on her arm with pleading eyes. "You're right. But for now, let's have a girl's night tonight. I desperately need one. It can help me clear my mind."

Alya gave her a sympathetic smile. "As much as I'd love to, I promised Nino we'd have a movie night tonight. You know, to relax a bit. He's been working a lot, and on top of the wedding planning, we just need a chill night. You're more than welcome to join us, though. I'm sure he'd love to have you over."

Marinette's eyes perked up. "I can get behind that! What if the whole group has a movie night tonight? We can invite Adrien too."

"I'm down for that," she said as she picked up her phone. "I'll text Nino now."

Marinette smiled. "Awesome. Thank you, Alya. Oh, are you still coming over tomorrow to try on the first version of your dress?"

"Absolutely! Ugh, I can't wait. The designs you showed me were so stunning, I can't wait to see it actually on me. And when it's finished? God, I'm excited just thinking about it."

"I'm excited for you," she said sweetly. "I think I might cry."

"If you cry, I'm going to cry and it will not be pretty."


"I GOT BOOOZEEE," Nino announced very loudly as he entered through the front door with a couple of paper bags in his arms. He was definitely pumped, to say the least.

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