"And?" Kaz asked, obviously with no remorse for his actions whatsoever.

"Have you heard we also shot a Stadwatch with his own gun?" Jesper added.

"All Stadwatch carry the same gun and it's standard issue. This is Pekka Rollins firing back at us." Kaz replied.

"Listen, I don't know what he did to you, or why you hate him so much, but blowing up our home was too far. We never should have made the deal with Dreesen in the first place." I said to Kaz.

Whatever issues he had with Pekka Rollins had nothing to do with me, but when he made it involve me that is when I got upset.

"Who is this Pekka Rollins?" Nina inquired. "Everytime. You say his name and your blood pressure skyrockets."

"That's not part of your purview, Heartrender." Kaz returned.

"Nina." I corrected.

I was getting kind of tired of Jesper and Kaz not calling people by their names.

"Thank you." Nina said to me before continuing. "You're right, but I tend to have opinions and...here's one, anger clouds judgement."

"Pekka Rollins runs the Barrel." Inej answered Nina's question finally.

"He cheated his way into an empire by running cheap cons. He isn't a boss, he's a scourge." Kaz added.

"If you hate him so much, why not just hire me to kill him?" Nina questioned. "Or why hire me at all? Your sharpshooter, or assassins could take him out, easy."

"It's not enough to kill him."

Kaz looked really tense. I was a bit concerned for him.

"What if we maybe took a break from the topic and went outside for a bit of fresh air?" I suggested in hopes of helping Kaz at least somewhat relax.

"No." He snapped, making me jump.

He took a deep breath in through his nose and turned to speak to Nina. "Killing him doesn't help us clear our names. That's why I need all of you, so I can hang everything back on him."

"And we are your pawns who enact your personal vendetta?" Inej spoke.

"The four of us are under equal jeopardy." He responded, looking around the table at me, Inej and Jesper. "And if they catch us, we can't protect you. And you'll have to turn to Pekka to see your man."

The last part directed at Nina.

"No doubt with some very unappealing conditions attached." He finished.

"All of that in mind, I mean, Elora, Inej and I need to know the plan." Jesper interrupted.

"Um, yes, I-I, too, would like to know the plan." Wylan stuttered before crossing his arms.

He had too much of a baby face to be threatening. He just looked like an adorable pleading fawn.

I liked Wylan so far.

"To get leverage on him, I need to know the scope of his business, inside-out. There are two ways to learn this. The first is by following his driver, tracking his schedule. Second, his accountant, Henrik Van Poel. If I get access to Pekka's books, it'll tell us everything I need to know." Kaz explained. "So, we need to get into that building."

Inej moved aside the curtain blocking the window to reveal a drab, faded salmon coloured building.

"It's where his accountant works. Although, there's no way of knowing which office." Kaz said. "That's the mission."

Nina then stood up and disappeared into the restaurant.

"It looks like it's a typical office building, but it has a number of subtle features." Kaz started.

You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now