The Beginning

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Rayen was walking down the crowded hallway of her school to get to her class when she bumped into some kids, "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING," Rayen looked up and saw Olivia, the most popular girl at the school. "Sorry I didn't see you.." Rayen got up and scurried away before something worse happened, The bell rang as Rayen was sitting at her seat doodling, Suddenly she saw a strange figure outside her classroom window standing there. "Rayen, Please pay attention so you don't fail this unit," Said Ms. Vacer, "Sorry.." Rayen put her head on her desk as she heard giggles and whispers.

Class ended, and Rayen was waiting outside when she heard a notification from her phone,


Mom: Sorry sweetie, Can't pick you up today I'm at a party with my friends

"Not again," Rayen groaned as she started walking along the sidewalk. It was getting dark and as Rayen was walking she heard an owl hoot from somewhere "Oh no, It's dark already? -- Where am I?," She looked around and for sure it was close to midnight and her phone battery ran out, She started quickening her pace. "Where have I gone to-- Am I lost?".

She hears a rustle behind her.

Rayen whipped around..


Then something grabs onto her wrist...


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