"When do you close up?" The male asked, leaning onto his elbow as he sipped the ale. Theia greedily took in the sight of his muscles arms, the tunic he wore was too tight for them. She met his eyes again, seeing the grin rising on his lips. When she noticed how full his lips were, it reminded her of Elena's move. Theia fell back a step, glancing above the male to the crowd as she ran her thumb along her bottom lip. Her eyes flicked back to his when her tongue copied the pad of her thumb.

"When everyone leaves," she responded, giving a slight shrug. The male gave her a toothy grin and tilted his glass in salute.

"Mm, I'll be the last one out, then." He followed his words with a wink and turned into the crowd. Theia watched his brown curly hair as he disappeared, her chest falling with a heavy breath. She had never done anything like that, hardly ever even kept eye contact that long. She blinked quickly and began filling orders again. It took a moment for her to realize that Nyx had been about to speak before she got distracted, so she glanced up at where he had been standing.

He was still there, though giving her a look before turning back into the crowd with the female under his arm. Theia didn't find any reason to chase him down, she'd be able to talk to him at some point in the night. She could hardly focus during the shift, making eye contact with the male she had flirted with every so often.

Her entire life, Theia had given into responsibility. She had never experienced childhood, nor the excitements of flirting or kissing. She had always been focused on staying alive, but now someone else was doing that for her. She was ensured a bed and a meal tonight, so why couldn't she enjoy the things she had missed out all of those years past? Elena had claimed to first kiss someone when she was only fourteen, with a male in her schooling lessons. Theia had hardly ever spoken to someone her age besides taking their order at the bakery.

She was nearly trembling with anticipation when people began to file from the tavern. The male kept catching her eye, and her cheeks had to have been as red as the General's siphons by the time he slipped out the front door with the promise of meeting her in the alley. Elena was drying the last glass. Theia swallowed harshly as she stepped beside her, fingers drumming on the wooden counter.


"Hmm?" Her friend rose a brow and glanced over at her.

"I know I'm plenty old enough to know something like this, but I... I've never been with someone in bed. Is it easy? Will I know what to do?" Her cheeks felt as though they burned in flame as Elena looked at her with wide eyes.

"You've never? Theia, how have you not gone to bed with someone? I mean, yes, it's simple. If they know what to do, you just follow their moves. Who is it?"

"I don't even know his name. I spoke to him just when I took his order and he told me he would wait for me in the alley." Elena's excited face dropped slightly, her eyes darting to the back door.

"Be safe, Theia. Learn his name, leave a trail of something to show where you go. I know I do this often, but I always learn what I can about them before I decide to go with them. I'll walk you out so I can see who he is."

Theia hadn't even thought of that. Several females have been found dead after a passionate night with a lover. Those 'lovers' ended up continuing their lives like normal and hardly anyone mourned the lost females. It's as though the males would seduce the females solely for someone to take their rage out on behind closed doors. Regret ticked in Theia's mind.

"That would be kind, thank you."

The two of them finished cleaning and went out into the alley. Theia met the stranger's eyes as Elena locked the door. Her friend gave her a quick hug and loudly proclaimed," Don't forget our breakfast date in the morning. I expect you at sunrise." A ruse.

"Absolutely. Goodnight, Elena." Theia watched Elena give the male a quick stern look before marching off down the alley. Theia stepped from the door, opening her mouth to speak. She thought perhaps she would tell him she decided to go back to the house, but he had other ideas.

Her back hit the wall and his lips ghosted her jaw as he shoved his knee between her thighs. Strong hands gripped her waist as his breath sent goosebumps over her skin.

"You've been teasing me all night, I don't know if we will make it back to my house," he whispered against her skin. This was new, this was unusual. She had never felt hands on her like this, nor the hardness pressing into her stomach. He was tall enough that his wings shadowed them from the moonlight.

"Actually, I don't want to-"

Her words were cut off by lips on hers. Her breath was caught in a gasp, his tongue trying to taste it. She had never been kissed, and wasn't sure why his tongue was running along her own. Theia tried to pull her head back but the wall stopped her. Instead, she waited until he needed air and his mouth returned to her throat.

"Um, actually, I don't want to do this," she heaved, hands pressed against his chest. He practically had her arms pinned against herself in the act, though at her words, his mouth stilled against her pulse point.

"You've been teasing me all night. I don't have time to go find someone else, bitch. You offered, so I'm taking you up on it," he snarled into her skin. Theia flinched at his teeth against her jaw, stiffening when his hand went beneath her coat and shirt. She should have known better. This was bound to happen. She'd just need to make it home when he is finished.

"I didn't offer," she rasped, pushing against him again.

"Your eyes did," he snapped back, silencing her with another invasive kiss. It was hardly a kiss now, more so his tongue taking her mouth as prisoner. Theia tried to speak, unsure why when she was gagged by his tongue. A thought lit in her mind and despite her stomach twisting, she bit down, hard. The male practically roared against her mouth and she released him, blood coating her tongue and teeth. It tasted metallic, like the rotten flavor of uncertainty.

She chose wrong. His hand gripped her waist tighter, pulling her against his body. Theia whimpered, trying to turn her head away but his hand caught her jaw. "You fucking bitch," he spat. His words were slurred with a swollen tongue, blood dripping from his bottom lip. His once beautiful face was now sinister; something she would see in the darkness of nights to come.

Suddenly, his head jolted back and his hands released her. Theia felt her knees buckle without the support of his body, but willed herself to stay standing. The male hit the ground quicker than he had been on her, and it was Nyx who dropped to his knees and started throwing his fist into the male's jaw.

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