Prologue: Kill the moon.

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F/N = First name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Colour

E/C = Eye Colour

Sand stretched endlessly in the moonlit desert, a barren expanse that seemed to hold no salvation. Pain wracked my body, a relentless torment that echoed the turmoil within me. The wind whipped against my form, hurling stinging grains of sand against my skin, a cruel reminder of my mortality.

Blood stained my clothing, a vivid crimson against the pale backdrop of the desert. The moon cast its ethereal light upon the desolate landscape, a haunting beauty that offered no solace. I stumbled forward, driven by an inexplicable force, my mind swirling in a haze of confusion and anguish.

"My child, can you hear me?"

The voice cut through the desolation, a beacon of familiarity that halted my faltering steps. My head snapped up, seeking the source of the ethereal sound. Khonshu, the god of my village, his presence resonating with ancient power.

"Khonshu?" My voice wavered with uncertainty, disbelief intertwining with hope.

"Is that you, (F/N)?"

The words hung in the air, a question that held weight beyond measure. Doubt gnawed at me, as if reality itself was shifting beneath my feet. I nodded, a gesture that felt both feeble and resolute.

"I-I'm not so sure."

His words, a soothing balm, urged me to follow his guidance. Compelled by his divine presence, I pressed forward through the unforgiving desert, driven by an instinctual trust that defied reason.

With each step, the landscape shifted, revealing an ancient temple bathed in moonlight. The sight stirred a sense of reverence within me, drawing me closer with an inexplicable magnetism.


"I am here."

His voice resonated within the temple's walls, a presence that enveloped me. As I ventured deeper, a gnawing unease grew stronger, the pain within me intensifying until it was almost unbearable.

"Something is not right. I don't feel well. It feels like my guts are slipping out." My voice quivered with a mixture of fear and distress, my grip on reality slipping.

"You are dead, my child. Along with the rest of my children."

His words landed like a heavy blow, shattering the fragile veneer of my understanding. The revelation hung in the air, a truth that sent shockwaves through my very being. The world swayed around me, my grasp on reality slipping further as I stumbled forward.

"I died..."


"...And everyone else is dead too."

"I'm afraid so."

His sympathetic words held a weight that crushed my spirit, a realisation that left me reeling in a sea of grief and disbelief. Despite the turmoil, an inexorable pull urged me to continue, to seek answers in the heart of the temple.

"I don't want to be dead."

"Then come to me, child, and I will explain what is to happen."

The journey led me to the throne room, a space imbued with a divine presence that left me awestruck. Khonshu, regal and enigmatic, sat upon his throne, his gaze filled with both ancient wisdom and sorrow.

"My god. What happened to us?"

His response held a somber truth that shattered the remnants of my former life. The words hung heavy in the air, the weight of the loss almost suffocating.

"My children are dead. Killed at the hands of mercenaries. Their souls have already moved on into the afterlife."

The ache of grief swelled within me, mingling with a surge of anger and helplessness. The very essence of my existence was unraveling, the foundations of my reality crumbling beneath the weight of his words.

"Why am I here?" The question escaped my lips, a plea for understanding in a world that had become incomprehensible.

Khonshu's fingers intertwined, his posture shifting with an air of solemnity. "Despite having moved on, my children cry for vengeance," he explained, his words a solemn revelation that cut through the fog of confusion.

My purpose became clear, a path carved out in the midst of despair. "As the god of the moon and vengeance, You have been chosen to embody my divine will, to avenge the lives of the innocent."

But doubt still lingered within me, a resistance to the weight of the responsibility that had been placed upon my shoulders.

"What if I don't want to do this?"

His response was a poignant reminder of the stakes at hand, the delicate balance between justice and personal desires.

"Then you shall be granted passage into the afterlife. But your people, my children, will go unavenged."

With a solemn resolve, he offered a white mask-a symbol of the transformation that awaited me, the merging of my identity with the divine purpose that had been laid out.

"Do you accept?"

The choice loomed before me, a threshold that would irrevocably change my existence. With uncertainty and trepidation, I reached out, fingers trembling as I accepted the mask that held my destiny.

In that moment, a flood of memories and emotions engulfed me. The pain and terror of the past surged to the forefront, a tidal wave of sensations that threatened to consume me.

My eyes snapped open, reality jolting back into focus. I found myself within the temple, the cloak of Khonshu draped over a statue that bore his visage. Outside, the aftermath of a massacre painted a grim tableau-evidence of the destruction that had befallen my village.

The weight of my newfound purpose and the surge of memories left me standing on the precipice of an unknown future. The choice had been made, the path set before me. With a determined exhale, I wrapped the cloak around my shoulders, my heart heavy with the knowledge of the vengeance I was now destined to pursue.

And so, under the moon's watchful gaze, I stepped forward into the unknown, my resolve and the power of Khonshu guiding my every step.

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